[Update] Battle of the Bands War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nicoolest, May 31, 2019.

  1. sign me also so I can pwn u noobs
  2. I forget if I’ve signed up or not, but I’d like to!
  3. sign me up please
  4. Sign me up please
  5. I've tried looking for my name remembered i signed up in the first thread ?

    Oh i change name  i signed up with DeviIishIy. Glad to back with my old ign ️
  6. Sign me up
  7. Sign me up pls ?
  8. Yes please sign me up
  9. Sign me up thanks
  10. Eddie said he signed me up already
  11. Sign me up plz
  12. Sign me up, ty?
  13. sign me up, ty?
  14. Sign me up