The Best Crybaby Award 2019

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by kraven, May 29, 2019.

  1. So, even before there's hours before the war to get over this crybaby starts to whine and lick the oppos feet. Lol, what's wrong party fairy? Can't handle the heat?

  2. Why an alt
  3. 
  4. They're just trying to cause unnecessary drama without the consequences.
  6. Damn I thought I was gonna win this... I had it in the bag. Maybe next year :cry:
  7. You won the Dead Meme Award tho :)
  8. I am here before the thread is locked. ?
  9. 

  10. LOL.
  11. Meme Team
  12. Also made it before it got locked!! #teamfiresnake
  13. Make a thread about it and then I'll care
  14. I- true tho