You Won

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Trendsetting, May 24, 2019.

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  1. Support af ??
  2. Srry 
  3. I have no idea what’s going on but it sounds very very stupid
  4. People posting their personal nonsense, then get salty friends to hit when you comment. Grow up, get a real relationship
  5. Jacob didn't ask me to hit, I just felt like it :roll: you're the only one who sounds salty
  6. If a game depresses you...
  7. Don’t play it
  8. Requesting lock.
  9. support
  10. Inb4 lock About time
  11. Buh like...i get you think you in love w her an all...but still...literally it's all in line when you see her? When you hold her hug her love her kiss her etc? This game was not created for you guys to make believe love. It's not a dating site, so literally, stahp cuz you're gonna look back on this an be all like...fuq that was embarrassing as hell pretending I was in love w someone I ain't never met.

  12. Exactly (I didn't read rest of comments before I submitted my post my bad)
  13. Locking as per op
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