Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by DevilsWife, May 10, 2019.

  1. Someone hired someone else to farm me because i stole their tuts and they didnt have the balls to do it themselves
  2. Difference of Opinion

    So I had forfeited a party. It was early in morning, we had called lbh, used all our extensions, and there was only 15 seconds left. It was my call to ff, because imo it looks a little bit better than a fail.

    There was this guy in the chat that had asked me why. I calmly explained that we didn’t have any more extensions and there were only 15 seconds left. He said I should’ve let it fail because we still could’ve gotten drops. (Honey no ya couldn’t) I told him it was my call and if he had a problem with it then he could discuss it with me in pms. He then stated that he doesn’t discuss things in pms he discusses it in nfs and quickly followed up with “maddi I could farm you”.

    Like 1st off I don’t give a fück, go right a head, it’s a pvp hunt and my money is already stashed away. Secondly, it was my call if you don’t like that’s your problem not mine.

    It was a threat, I wasn’t farmed in the end, but it’s still fûcking stupid.
  3. Shop me too plskthx
  4. Farmers suck
  5. And you swallow
  6. You just painted a target on your forehead
  8. Deadpool gif +10 cool points for coolbean
  9. just realized we are on the same team…☹️ I’ll be waiting my little flower.
  10. That’s a big oof right there
  11. You dont need a reason to farm someone.
  12. Can I start a petition to get everyone on this thread re-farmed for their sins and transgressions?
  13. Cause it's part of the game.
  14. Well we live and learn right
  15. Idk how you join a cat club without learning about max plunder first lmao
  16. I've never given anyone a good reason so they're all stupid
  17. Wow, I just saw that. What a waste of cat ??.
  18. Not true, but I laughed :lol:.
  19. I recently got farmed because the guy “liked my name” ?
  20. No support tbh