Tbh if something is overhyped I stay away from it until most of the hype dies off. So I guess technically hype itself is a let down
It's okay. I like churchs better. But you don't eat chicken so you wouldn't be able to compare. Maybe if you wanted to compare their fries doe
Same tho. I don't use social media rly so i'm always the last to know about what's popular. And by then it usually doesn't seem interesting
Twitter. It just feels like a whole lotta spam from emotionally defunct trolls tbh. Oh. And. Bisexuality. Tried it. Didn't love it. I'll stick to gal pals thanks. :lol:
How could you not like Nutella ? Lol .. What episode is that Black Mirror episode ? I watched the president effing the pig and I couldn't watch no more lol.