Hi y'all, I'd be so happy if ATA came out with new raver avis. For example: Techno Raver (would be my dream ava) Psychedelic raver Just more EDM ravers in a nutshell. These current May ones are horrible. Can I get a support? Love love
I thought they'd pounce on the Coachella wagon and make Avis for that. But they didn't. The closest we've gotten to a rave hunt with the new updated art, was the Kpop NYE one. Maybe some day.
I wouldn’t know I have all my knowledge from TV Lifetime movies starring rich suburban moms and rebel child’s
Well they sell the "special" brownies in the shop, why not shrooms? nothing bad about it. Oh, and you can't be addicted to shrooms lmao.
You can be addicted to anything...and i was talking about taking shrooms at raves. Ppl don't do that because at raves there is a lot of loud music and dancing. And shrooms are illegal, that's why they're not sold in stores :roll: what kind response even is this
I feel like you've never been to a rave or don't understand the effects of different drugs. Shrooms leave you couch locked and for a good portion of the trip you have difficulty even speaking. Mdma is the popular rave drug because it makes you really social and it makes the music and everything more surreal
can’t say about mdma effects but shrooms affects you like donut says, there’s no way you’ll be raving ? Anyways, support
lmao don't speculate, I guess rave culture is different around here. Why would I want ravers if I've never been to a rave really?