[IMPORTANT] Use of Inappropriate Language

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATARogers, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. Maybe we've all been breaking rule #7 for awhile now, but it's just not enforced
  2. Just call people words or things you hate, “you’re taxes!”
  3. Support 
  4. I’m emo quitting Pimd forever, or just till tomorrow
  5. Don't tell them or it'll be your fault when the memes start to get axed ?
  6. ^they made the rule, not me
  7. Okay so can you unsilence m-
  8. Try saying plz maybe it’ll work
  9. I am okay with making you a scapegoat :mad: meme-killer
  12. Looking for autumn sensu / Capricorn and fawn peices/ golden age furniture wall and add 2 trade
  13. So freedom of speech right out the door? Is it still against the rules of my constitution says that I can say whatever I want? that would mean these rules are illegal in themselves ?
  14. Please read the entire ToU sjwjsidieiidjf
    Violetta320 likes this.
  15. I'm guessing what's the dumbest thing you've been silenced for thread and the scalating arguments between mods and players.
  16. Wrong thread :roll:.
  17. I don't get why we can't say bad word on here. This game is for 17+ we all adult not our fault parents let there kids play this game
  18. Surprise, your country's constitution doesn't apply everywhere. ?‍♀️
    Muschi and Violetta320 like this.

  19. 17yr olds arent adults