Another beautiful day in Murtle Beach SC. The sun is shining, and the breeze is carrying the smell of the sea. The sand is hot beneath Jumpits toes, and the sunlight is glittering off her bright orange painted toenails. Her brown hair is lifted in the breeze, and caresses her freckled cheeks. Looking out over the ocean, she wonders what place could be more perfect than this one? "oh yeah, one with life." She finishes her thought aloud. The past two weeks she has been coming out during the day to search for life. She calls out for other survivors, and yet day after day she returns to the Blockade Runner. No life. Only the death of the night. From inside her room she hears the dead calling for their own survivors, for another reason. Sustenance. Food. Flesh.
They pound with their rotting fists on her door. "I'm sorry, no housekeeping please!" She chirps from her double bed. Their angry growls and pounding fists continue through the night. For six months after the plague hit she was terrified. Frightened of the dead. Frightened of the living too, as most often they were already living hosts to the plague, and completely unaware until the moment of "change". "change" is really just a nice word for death. Now, half a year later, Jumpit can sleep through even the most determined of deaths minions.
Standing on the beach now, she can hardly believe that so nice a place could be hiding so many dead. They don't come out during the day, it dries them out. They become like mummies, without the ceremonial wrappings. Not even the death plague is enough to re-animate their dried flesh. Looking to the sky Jumpit realizes that the tide is coming in. That's when she notices a figure on the pier. They are standing at the very end. Are the alive? Are they already carrying the plague? Is it a mindless victim that accidentally wandered into the sunlight? Only one way to find out. Jumpit kept her eyes on the pier as she slowly made her way towards it. The dead always ran. If it is a survivor, then running may cause them to jump off the pier in an effort to escape. That would be their death for sure. After all, Jumpits favorite game was "sink the zombie"!
Jumpit padded down the pier, her bare feet hardly made a sound as she approached the "person" standing at the end, staring out into the ocean. She noticed their broad shoulders, and lean build. First observation, a man. Second observation, alive. Third observation...... Was that bright pink hair? "hello there! Are you free of plague or shall I cut you where you stand?" Jumpit called out to mr. Pink hair. didn't even flinch. He merely turned his head and gave Jumpit his profile as he answered. "I was so sure I was the only one left." his tone seemed only mildly interested in her presence.
Now that she could see his face, a few more observations jumped in her mind. He was starving. Probably near death. Second, he wasn't infected with the plague at all. Plague victims always had black eyes. No, not just black pupils. Completely black eyes. They are the first thing to change once someone catches it. A little while into the process "blood tears" show. That's not to say they cry blood, but a red line of disease crawls under their skin in a line from their tear ducts to their chin. "blood tears". Always a sign that they would be excellent candidates for "sink the zombie" in a few short days. "your hungry." Jumpit chose to voice only one of get observations for the moment. He turned his face back to the sea. After a few moments, he answered "yes. Although I can barely feel it now."
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