Weirdest Breakup Excuses You've Got?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iSinestro, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. So what was the most weirdest break up excuse ya got?

    For me it was "We don't talk too much"

    And FYI it was a stats RS and she was almost 300 to 400kcs lower in stats than me. 


  2. On the game or like in rl? ?
  3. In game ofc
  4. They randomly wanted to rp and like I didn’t. I had like 4mcs and they were like 1mcs. We were stat rs for like 2 months. We rarely talked beforhand ?‍♀️?‍♀️
  5. A friend of mine broke RS with someone because he changed his name and she thought it was dumb.

    Someone broke RS with a friend of mine because he traded something he didn't even know she wanted to someone else.

    People are silly.
  6. So I was like "i found someone with higher stats than u and they are willing to pop tart rp with me.. thank you, next."
  7. Ok so me and my rs started a club.. We were just experimenting wether 8t would work or not... And we unlocked a few parties but then she broke up as no one was hitting and even after I tried recruiting with the 100 speakers ata gave me no one joined. And I was a little busy with rl.

    BTW I was the one who created it with my cash.
  8. You dserved better tbh.
  9. "If mom found out about us, she'll disown us both".
  10. Haha
  11. I had an rs that just constantly is in new rs with people and ends them over like nothing but never asks. Others have just gone inactive. That’s about it
  12. someone broke rs with me cause i didn’t want to date them irl
  13. :D
  14. So the weirdest one I got was..."our love is like Lady and the Tramps. However we won't have a good ending because like the tramp I'm from the bad side of town and I sleep around with other I am a tramp. Goodbye" then he said some other random stuff that made no sense
  15. "You don't max my gifts"
    _-_Vegeta likes this.
  16. O no one has broken up with me b4. Except Alicia and Callum for stats rs and they both told me they'd return
  17. Wow I've never had anyone break up with me. I didn't think about it till this
  18. I wouldn't do that to you ?
  19. "One wanted me to call him daddy ?? thankyou but next.....
  20. Queen supreme rs ^