War wants, desires and incentives

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iLeoTheWarMachine_N_IDC, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. Drop to 0/0 removing all dorm mates
  2. Ditto
  4. Last call for war....wall me if ya want in...and leave your war thoughts here...cmon noobs
  5. I think the only thing that would attract new players and non-pvp players to wars is if you could obtain exclusive rewards like avatars, furniture, and misc through war.
  6. I once sent a help ticket explaining this exact idea and the response was basically “you can obtain items through parties, collecting hunt drops” like okay but that just ain’t it friend
  7. They already did this in KaW. There are individual wars that take into account for differences in misc so there's an even playing field for people. There are events where you collect items from hitting the battle list and as you hit you generate and steal these items and when you lose defense your items get stolen. The reason they can't do any of this here is not because they won't make money from it but because the people that play this game have paper skin and would just quit as soon as this was implemented. Blame the players.
  8. Imo it’s just as much the farming players fault as well, not properly teaching war/pvp but rather just putting random sfw out and bombarding players who have no real knowledge on it with hits, which then just scares them out of liking the feature. There’s definitely fragile skinned players but there’s also unhelpful farmers and until that field is met, nothing will change
  9. Overall this is a great idea and personally would participate if this is implemented. Also somebody mention earlier about not having the time to war and that’s true. I would like to be on as much as I can to help my team so 24 hrs is too long. ATA can set it up where we can have system wars ONLY on the weekends (opting in or out kinda option) 4 hrs long please so at least players can actively participate. Oh and for those who like parties, items dropped from the hunts can be an extra extra bonus points for the winning team. You’ll be ok if you miss 4 hrs of hitting cc?
  10. Okay people...if ya want the changes in war i need the support....so post it here or pm me...okay?....now get it done...the quicker i can send it in the quicker we can see some changes...lets do this
  11. 30 min - 1hr wars.

    I cant spend more than that on this game at a time so that woukd be pretty good tbh
  12. I've tried advocating for reasonable PvP in the past and it always ends up the same. People just get bent out of shape over a few random hits. You can't change that attitude on a big enough scale to make a difference, imo
  13. I agree I fully support wars. If they would give exclusive rewards they would get more attention.
  14. Bring it back
  15. Kappa ?
  16. I think wars should be rewarded with hunt drops, winning team gets a max number and the losing team would have a max number. And be rewarded timer boxes that contain war items. Drops and timer boxes could be awarded according to activity in the war just like hits in a party!