An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. How many of you have eaten your fruit and veggies today? >:0 if the answer is none or very little, take this as me shaming you into going and eating an apple or smthing this very second.
  2. It’s after midnight so I’ve not eaten either in this short new day yet
  3. I don't take care of myself, I'm too depressed
  4. I see no one is gettin their health on
  5. #TooBroke

    Sorry mom ):
  6. rt
  7. I had blueberries, raspberries and like 10 clementines because I live for clementines.
  8. Gorl i will buy you a banana pls
  9. Fùckin rites ty. Show them how it is done
  10. I had an iced coffee for breakfast, nothing for lunch and stiry fry for dinner... so um yeah i need more fruit rn

    I wish i had raspberries
  11. I drink Crown Apple and Crown Peach.. I'm healthy af. ???
  12. I had a chocolate banana smoothie, does that count? ?
  13. I'd be a very grapeful child if you did.
  14. is coffee a meal???
  15. Were there veggies in your stirfry qt
  16. No oml
  17. :c
  18. :x guess i havent eaten today then.
  19. Brocolli and mushrooms. But now I'm craving berries
  20. Fruit is for fruity boys and my momma didn't raise no fruitcake bìtch.

    I didn't have any fruit today