Rate The Pet Name(s) of the Person Above You

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Muschi, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. The title is self-explanatory.

    Rate the pet name(s) of the person above you, out of 10 points (1 = lowest | 10 = highest).

    Be sure to give any pointers if it's a low score, and/or say what your favorite is!

    ... Start with me.
  2. 8/10 cute :)
  3. 10/10 is savage asf
  4. 4 you’ve only named one!
  5. 9/10 Hawt
  6. 8/10 cute naaames i like it
  7. 6/10 not sure if it’s named after someone but it seems pretty regular. I do liek the flow tho

    Also, I love this thread idea. Super cute
  8. 8/10 ?
  9. 6/10
    idk if it’s a name or word
  10. 10/10 Dua Lipa got me on that one
  11. 7/10
    very cute names, i esp love Izzy. it bugs me how you don't have one equipped tho
  12. Thanks for telling me! I unequipped on accident. I was suppose to have Camila equipped