A.T.A Nice job

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Alicia, Apr 1, 2019.

  1. On today’s prank. Now can we have this thread for all the word changes?
    (Trying to figure out the longer one, tbh )
  2. Known word changes
    RP = tax advice
    Daddy = accountant
    Lol = that's not funny
    Dorm = jorts
    ATA = dad
    Jean = Zelda
    Zelda = Winston
  3. Gemini = twins knight
    Taurus = bull knight
  4. "write me a twenty page manifesto outlining the righteousness of your cause" = "wall me"

    "Text" = "oxygen"

    "Only" = "or whatever really"

    "Love" = "will sue"
  5. Bed = jail
  6. Noob: hot asf pumpkin
  7. Pisces =fish knight
  8. Fish = magikarp
    Girls = robots
  9. Capricorn = goat knight
    Aries = sheep knight
    Libra = scale knight
    Aquarius = bucket knight
    Leo = lion knight
  10. Pls : sparks joy
  11. Daddy rp = ******** :lol:
  12. Dirty- minty fresh
    Please - sparks joy
    Add me - thank u next
    Rp -tax advice
    Bored- cheap
    Noob- hot asf pumpkin
    Funny- that’s quite amusing
    Guys- elves
    Boys- fenegi
    Girls- robot
    wall me- write
    ATA - dad
  13. Cancer=crab Knight
  14. Wtf = dont worry I'll fix everything, add me
    Friend = chain enthusiast
  15. Try to type boob and see what happens
  16. April fools = black friday
  17.  I'm a noob because I wanna be a pumpkin. 
  18. Which word says don’t worry I’ll fix everything. Add me.
