Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *CheekyChloe (01), Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Lmao, yes I had to make a stupid thread about the titanic and no I'm not fan girling over it. So... Shall we start? Someone go first!! This is more of a random chat room. Lol.
  2. Hello person *waves*
  3. Hello!!!!

    -throws taco at you-

    DON'T DROWN!!!!
  4. OMG I'm so in!

    Name- Emily Undersei
    Age- 19
    Class- 1st
    Hair- long wavy blonde
    Clothes- simple white sundress, white flats and feather angel wing earrings
    Personality- Kind, gentle, Graceful
    Skills- singing, dancing, play piano
    Story- Wanted to go visit my sick cousin in New York and my rich Grandfather paid for my ticket. So I'm not personally rich.
  6. Haha I didnt even read what it was about, I just saw fan fiction and Titaniv
  7. YAYYY!!!

    -does a tip toe and a rainbow magically appears above head and skittles fall into hands and pushes Damien overboard-

  8. *watches*ohhhhhhhh look at that iceberg.......
  9. - looks away from Damien gurguling-

    OH COOL!!!
  10. That's huge!
  11. Oh-no the big boat is sinking let's jump on a life boat

    ...damn there's nun left 

    Uh-oh we are all floating in the water

    We can all feel out blood freezing and we are getting colder and colder

    I am now sinking and I see black ness

    I need to breath so I breath in but water just fills up my lungs and I can't get oxygen so I now this is it

    I no that soon everyone else in these cold waters will do the same!!!

    -end of thread-
  12. Haha...... I'm the one who let all the lifeboats out with no one on them and I have a lifeboat to myself and I'm the only one who survives
  13. Then a massive killer whale is under the water staving Looking for seals
    She hasn't eating in days and needs to feed her and her baby whales she looks around and sees a girl on a lifeboat bobbing up and down in the water

    Slower the killer whale stays under the water

    But then jumps up and eats the girls
  14. Yes I knew I had to bring my portable jetski! *turns it on and goes home*
  15. Souse. Not how it works. Gtfo.