Trading Avatars!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Gehanna, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. I am thinking that instead of just keeping your avatars and not using them or wanting them we trade?! Guys and girls both get the opposite gender avatars once in a while and are you really going to use them? PIMD should really update the app and make it where we can! Who agrees and disagrees state your opinion please?
  2. There’s a thread like this every week. ATA can’t profit off of this- It’s not going to happen.
  3. I know it probably will never happen but I think it’s worth a try?
  4. It's not worth a try. ATA has literally said it's never happening.
    Cinnabun likes this.
  5. no support. stop suggesting this.
  6. No support its a terrible idea that would have terrible consequences.
    Cinnabun likes this.
  9. Give me fluid gender avatars instead
  10. Ata says theyll never do it but once they find a way to make it profitable theyll do it
  11. no support
  12. if trading avatars is impossible then what about making a system where you can choose gender of your avatars with 3rd option "i want both genders"?
  13. This will never happen. Most avatars are earned through stories or collecting shards, and they’re earned through hard work, many hours go into getting these avatars on hand. No support.
  14. No support, you win what you win, be grateful.
    Cinnabun likes this.
  15. petition to have ata include no avi trading in the creating account tutorial
  16. ATA already said they would NOT implement this. There are several reasons why is would be bad and all of them would have a negative impact on the game. There are threads as to WHY it’s a bad idea.

    Two things: farming/harassing people for avatars and generally messing up the trade economy in the game.

    Come back when you have: a better, more thought out idea.

  18. Dude back to back avi trading threads whoa