⭐ GALAXY STYLE 48MCS DORM RAFFLE ⭐ Hello everyone!? So, I decided to raffle my dorm cause now I want to go for other style, and wanted that some lucky person lover of Space/Galaxy stuff and Purple color could win it! (I wasn't able to get the 499ecs of that hunt, so Miles & Ni-Chan will do. Also, no 999ecs included) Galaxies stuff! ? RULES ? 1) This Raffle starts today March 26th and ends on April 15th at party changeover. 2) Will be 4 happy winners. 3) Winners will be picked by a random number generator and all the SS will be posted here 1 hour after the Raffle is over. 4) Unlimited entries are allowed, and to make this affordable for everyone I put a lot of options for y'all to participate. How to enter the raffle? Simple, just send any of the items listed below as a gift to me (__TheMoonBadger__) with the text " Raffle" inside of it.* *No Refunds Details of Dorm: The full dorm has a total of 48MCS. Its mostly DormSpace/Modorm style but has some parts of other furnis. ⭐ PRIZES! ⭐ ?FIRST PLACE GETS EVERYTHING IN MY DORM! (Mostly DormSpace Furni) ❎999ECS ?SECOND PLACE GETS 5 FURNIS FROM BBOX (CO-Z) + 1 BENTO (Wall, Floor, Poster, Lamp, Above Desk) ?THIRD PLACE GETS 5 FURNIS FROM BBOX (NEON WAVE) (Wall, Floor, Poster, Lamp, Above Desk) ?FOURTH PLACE GETS 3 FURNIS FROM BBOX (ENCHANTED FOREST) (Wall, Poster, Lamp) ?At the end everyone gets a prize just for participating (Random Shard)? If you still have any concern about this raffle, feel free to wall me or just comment here. Good Luck Everyone! ??
Not interested in entering, but I love how organized this thread ad is. The BB coding helped organize it tremendously and the use of charts is helpful! Great job putting this together.
I agree with muschi this raffle is super organized and aesthetically appealing! Good luck with raffle op and good luck future participants
24 strenght + 24 Intel adds a total of 48 mcs. Both together are counted. That's how you calculate items stats to trade, etc..
?Reminder: ?The furniture listed as entries is the ✔regular one. I'm not taking ❎"Starter" Furniture (Frushhman). Thank you! And keep participating ?