Welcoming Committee is Here

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaho, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. You and your silly iPhones :p
  2. beautiful post! I can’t wait to start. Hope your fingers have recovered from all the typing :)
  3. I’ve had a lot of new players ask me what the point of the game is, so if anyone really has the answer to that, then I guess you could include it in your welcome msg 

    And then send it to me because after a year here I still dont know ?
  4. Its your choice on what the end goal is. The original goal was to get the highest stats and climb the leaderboard but some want to have a good showcase--- reach 1M fight losses---and mamy more.
  5. Support
  6. It's what you make of it too. New players are probs mostly unaware of all the things they can do, so give them a generic goal that migjt help them to discover more. Make and write messages to 1000 friends complimenting them on their profiles

    Upgrade to 1mcs

    Find out what something means. Or to figure out a mechanic. How many hits does it take to complete a party?
  7. B stands for bondage stahp
  8. ok i apply
  9. B has two meanings??
  10. This is such a great idea! I wanted to join but never got accepted 
  11. I’m not that active or I’d help but this gets my full support!!
  12. No Support

    There’s the role of a mod already. There’s more then one available. Let them do their job!
  13. so to you, what is a mods "job"?

    since i personally haven't seen (m)any welcome / explain the multiple objectives of the game to new players, i only ever see mods intervene & offer help if they're asked or approached first.

    the point of the welcoming commitee is to approach the new people first, make them feel welcome, and answer basic questions. i still see kcs unsure why there's "green people" in pub & think eavesdropping and getting hired by someone is farming. people trying to sell things over & underpriced, etc.

    if it becomes successful on a greater scale, it could better the whole community as you won't see public channels flooded with "noob questions" and more people will have a better understanding of the basics which means less frustration for everyone else.

    and yes i am biased because these are my amazing friends.
  14. I'm fairly confident an army of decently trained newbies after a year will be able to take out just about all of the existing player base. I support this conquest.
  15. So cute! Love this idea, I have some extra duplicate/recycle furniture I could donate if you guys want to give out some welcome gifts or however you choose to help the new players lmk <3! Everyone was once a newcomer at some point so I think its very sweet and humble what your setting up and hopefully it'll help new players start to enjoy and understand the game better.
  16. So glad to be a part of this! ?
  17. Well they’re suppose to be helping without being asked too, besides you don’t have to see it in order for you to know they’re helping new players without being asked too. It clearly states it in the mod role list,the first two things are;

    1)providing guidance to the community on acceptable behaviors.
    2)Helping new players understand the game.

    There’s more then 5 mods you can ask for help if needed, there’s also people in here who don’t like to be helped,let’s consider that.
  18. the unnecessary coding already bothers me and my eyeballs, but besides that, the rest of what im gonna say is from experience & opinions, if you disagree, that's cool, im not gonna call anyone stupid for seeing things differently. mods (usually) will keep things exclusively between walls & gifts only, understandably. which mean; limited characters, lack of privacy, etc. when some of the more "known" (popular?) mods are on they're either; too busy in pub talking to friends, responding to wall posts from friends (as they're players like anyone else) which also understandable. i can't see who they silence, who's questions they answer, if any, but there's always room for improvement & helping people, as many new people join every single day.

    some are alts, some are returning players from way back when, and some are just strictly here to move things to socials or rp & don't care much for the different objectives of the game, obviously.

    but there are plenty of people who are interested in genuinely learning, ive come across them myself when i did (and won) the kindness contest carol did in forums. meeting new people not knowing what mods are, too afraid to approach people first to ask for help. most people on here just brush them off as "stupid noobs" but unless someone shows & explains things to them, in depth, in a way that they can understand, it won't help anyone. if it's done right, TWC can makes things easier for mods & help things flow a little smoother so "noobs" understand item value & currency, pimd abbreviations, etc.

    give it a chance? or if you don't find it beneficial to yourself, it will be to someone else.

  19. Heart drive your wannabe HS is showing again, You realize there are over 10,000 players and around what approximately 11 mods Regular players are more than welcome to help others it's not just the "Mods" or "HS" job to do so, many of the new players don't even know this game has mods or Who they are now chillax
  20. I think PIMD has at least 100,000 active players, and I'm sure there are more than 20 mods