Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  2. Looking for rs:
    min stats 30mcs
    max stats 39mcs
    not sfw friendly cause im fairy?‍♀
    talk active
    can max:max gift
    main account

    wall/add/gift if interested️
  3. Yes, yes I am.
  4. Anyone looking for a RS for war lol 50mcs
  5. Looking for a stats RS preferred male around my stats and is willing to max gifts. Prefer not be in sfw. Willing to ask if the stats are right
  6. Looking for rs male/female for war 15mcs+ plz you ask ?
  7. Looking for rs:
    min stats 30mcs
    max stats 39mcs
    not sfw friendly cause im fairy?‍♀
    talk active
    can max:max gift
    main account

    wall/add/gift if interested️
  8. Rs around my stats? Wall or add me. I’m 83mcs
  9. Looking for RS around my stats or so. You ask plus very friendly but also shy as first.
  10. Looking for an rs. 68mcs here. HMU
  11. I'm looking for relationship with similar or higher stat. . Male/female is ok (I'm female), my stat is around 1,5Mcs
  12. Still looking. I can’t ask out and I don’t break up as long as you’re active
  13. Still looking for RS,
  14. Looking for an rs
    Can’t ask
    Max:Max cash gifts
  15. Particri
    150ksc +
    Looking for active rs.
    Im a quick upgrader and a hardworker.
    anything highr than current ksc is good.
    I have 1 free ask out.
  16. Around 3mcs
    Looking for an active rs my stats or higher
    Don't have ask
  17. Looking for a temp rs until my dream rs is done healing and ready to be with me. Stats only; around my stats. I can ask since I will break once she is ready to be mine.
    No rp
    Talking okay but no flirting
    Preferably a female so I can talk about her to you
    Gifting is not req
    Preferably not sfw friendly
  18. I'm looking for a rs for either stat or a actual relationship doesnt matter...idc for stat as long as your active
  19. Looking for a Perm Stats rs.
    I can't ask
    Max/Max gifts
    Wall me ♡️
  20. Rs around my stats. I’m 83mcs