Sort Showcase : Idea

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Taniho, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. What Do you guys think about being able to sort your own showcase when viewing by
    Stat, Name, Old, New, etc?
  2. oh, why so?
  3. Support, a Nice feature I know it's been requested a time or few and would be nice if added
  4. Showcases going by hunts helps show organization for how long you’ve been here, how hunt items have evolved in themes/looks/etc. if you care enough about showcases you know where things are currently already. Plenty other reasons too
  5. Why not?
  6. Um nahh , I support this , I’m tired of looking for bentos I don’t have.
  7. I'm cool with the default being chronological, but 8 years of items should have an option to sort alphabetically at least for ease of use. Especially for trading.
  8. Yeah I agree
  9. I can’t imagine trading with 20 pages of showcase items. #goals.

    Or maybe a search bar so you can search a specific item.
  10. Everyone having the same order of items in showcase makes it easier for people who browse others showcases. Don't be lazy, learn your showcase.
  11. Dont be lazy, read what I said properly. I said own. When you view other’s showcase you dont get the sorting option otherwise counting misc. would be easy.
  12. I’d like to be able to sort it by stat
  13. Hmm.. no support...
  14. All these people saying no support on a legitimately good idea :roll:
  15. i support the search bar bc nobody knows what i’m trying to buy most of the time :lol:
  16. The way it's set up now is great. Then your able to see which hunts they were earned from and how long ago. NO Support sorry.
  17. Nono how am I gonna know where to check to see if someone has the item I want if everyone has showcase differently? It’ll drive me insane, hard pass