
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pensive, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. Hi friends
    I like sushi specifically like sashimi
    Anyways I was thinking of how when I was younger I thought it would be cool to be like a sushi master. Then I learned that they do years of training of basically just cutting fish. So I gave that dream up pretty quickly.
    Point of the story is I’m hungry anyone want to buy me food? :)
  2. im hungry as well, why don’t you buy me food?
  3. Sorry he only buys me food.?
  4. Do men usually cry about being hungry and then beg people to cater to their lazy asses often?
  5. Bold of you to assume my gender
  6. Not bold when your rs posts your pics everyone.
  7. Tofu sushi is surprisingly yummier than it sounds
  8. Sushi sounds yummy too tho
  9. What

    Most of the time you don’t make sense, but here you just sound dumb. I hope your relationship with Joker is going well though, wouldn’t want another break up.?
    Brittany likes this.