Fun times

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Feb 3, 2019.

  1. spooky things

    It's a wonderful thing isn't it?
    Lets dedicate this thread to talking about all the corporate subliminal messages and control the media brings.

    Let's talk about how tragic events are the only way people come together anymore, and how people use them to profit.

    Lets talk conspiracies.
  2. can’t i don’t want government people knocking on my door
  3. the mandela effect. it IS real
  4. Conspiracy theory: you're mean to me. ;(
  5. 99% of the time, they're false

  6. So you're saying the government causing "natural disasters" are fake hmmmm
  7. Climate change leads to a higher frequency of certain natural disasters... and governments could be doing more to combat climate change.

    So inadvertently, yes, the government causes natural disasters.

  9. Follow the large masses, amongst the crowded we’ll stand. Misguided, off-course, stripping away our own stance.
  10. I support all conspiracy theories
  11. Conspiracy? Tom Brady deflated his balls
  12. I don’t wanna share spooky things cause it might scare off my agent. I like to think we’ve become friends. Even if he doesn’t want it ??‍♀️
  13. stop being mad & give me attention hoe