Important things in TOU

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SuddenlyNotMyProblem, Feb 3, 2019.


    It has come to my attention that not all of you (or basically none of you ;-;) have actually read the TOU. And probably have gotten silenced like many of us for violating it?? so here’s a thread that covers the key points and a few examples on how to not break the TOU!

    The TOU is the Terms of Use that we all a free to when we decide to play the game. It’s ATAs version of the Terms and Conditions thing we always click the “I have read..” box without actually reading it ? the TOU sounds intimidating to read but actually really isn’t that long. So I definitely recommend reading it for yourself as it is helpful knowledge️

    First thing you should know is that ATA has the right to Change TOU at anytime and doesn’t have to tell us if they change it. So be wary of that but I doubt they will change it any time soon.

    The game was designed for people 17 but you’re supposed to ask a parent/guardian for approval if you’re younger than 18 ?‍♀️??‍♀️ literally nobody does this?
    In TOU they further talk about what happens when you are younger than 18. Here’s a quick summary of that—>

    anyone UNDER the age of 18 caught using this app for sêxual or inappropriate chat can and will be silenced and/or possibly have their accounts removed permanently.
    This is because generally the age you are legally viewed as an adult is 18.(in America it is anyway.)
    ANYONE UNDER 17 found to have an account on PIMD will immediately have their account removed.
    This.. this is because people go to jail for talking with minors online all the time. It’s nasty and a problem. Y’all kids shouldn’t be on this app. BEGONE??

    Next is a list of things you WILL GET SILENCED for posting with a few examples —>
    1. DON’T post anything Harmful, threatening, abusive, torturous, vulgar, hateful, or offensive racially, ethnically or otherwise just... stuff you wouldn’t say to your sweet old gram gram that always bakes your favorite cookies.
    Ex: “go burn ya f**king jéw” THAT IS NOT OKAY TO SAY. DO NOT SAY ANYTHING LIKE THIS. Also here’s a fun tidbit! You can get arrested and even jail time in some places for telling someone to kill themselves. Because in a sense you are encouraging them to commit sûicide and that’s kinda like murder to some people!

    2. anything pórnographic or depicting or asking minors doing/to do sèxual, violent, or harmful things. Stuff a parent or guardian or any adult figure should never ask of a child.
    Ex: “I want that 12 year old to eat that tidepod ” seriously please don’t. Just please. No.

    3. is ILLEGAL.
    This seems pretty self explanatory...

    4. is torturous, defamatory, libelous, or invasive of another’s privacy or publicity rights.

    5. anything that infringes trademarks or copyrights.
    Um duh.

    6. Bears anything false, misleading, or disguised origins.
    Personally I read this as basically don’t catfish anyone or lie about anyone. Because that’s slander.

    7. You do not have the right to make available under law or contractual or fiduciary relationships

    8. contains viruses or anything that’ll hurt any computer software.

    I feel like that’s all pretty straight forward...


    Basically another list of things that’ll get your account removed?

    1.harass or advocate harassment for another person or entity.
    Ex: “y’all wall ign LazyAergia and tell her mean things!” No one deserves to get harassed. You wouldn’t like it if you were on the other end so like.. be nice and act like the adult you are k thnx️

    2. Perform any activities that violate and local, federal, or international laws.

    3. Do or say anything that could be considered a terroristic act.


    5. Spam.

    6. Advertise any third party apps.

    7. Transmitting viruses etc.

    (Geez there are a lot of lists)

    8. Use accounts that don’t belong to you (piloting)

    9. Creating accounts with false information

    10. Create an excessive amount of accounts that is realistically playable.
    (I have like 2 alts and honestly it’s hard to keep up with all of them. So if you have more than one account ;-;)

    11. Using a computer, parallel space(Android) or any duplicate apps to play PIMD.

    12. Reformat PIMD in any way.

    There you guys go! I know this post is long asf. But I hope it helps! I know some people have made threads that covers parts of what I briefly went over but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to make a thread myself️
    There are also stuff that I didn’t go over that is in the TOU (like currency and refund policies etc.) so if your curious please ago and read it yourself! You can find the TOU by searching PIMD TOU online and even access it through the app!️
    Thankyou guys for your time and have a wonderful day️️️
  2. Yeah I decided to finally read through everything (including the Terms of Use) and I didn’t know this but I guess if your pres in your club goes inactive, you can basically impeach them and another club member cloud become president.
  3. Wow I know some people do number 11. I guess that goes along with the multiple alts thing.
  4. You can use apps like parallel space, they just won't help you with problems about it since they don't support it or whatever, someone sent a help ticket and that was the reply I just don't know the exact wording.
    I'll go looking for it later.
  5. 2 alts is definitely not the ceiling for "number of accounts that are realistically playable".
  6. very helpful. thanks!
  7. I sent a help ticket once about a bug I was having, and ATA asked if I was using Parallel Space and I said yes. They told me to unduplicate and reduplicate the PIMD app on there, and the issue was solved. I didn't get banned. You can use those.

    It was once against the rules to use those, but it isn't anymore, just like it was once against the rules to have more than one account. I think the "unrealistically playable" would be like 10+ alts, because you are allowed to have several alts.

    @OP ー What portion of ToU are you citing for #11? I've read through ToU several times and do not know which section you're referencing.
  8. You also forgot the most important one that many people don't know: selling in-game items or entire accounts for real world currency. Technically, ATA owns our accounts so we do not have the legal right to sell items for rwc.
  9. I was quoting the prohibited activities or the section below it. I may have misunderstood the parallel space portion but I do know that it is against TOU to use a computer to play PIMD since someone recently got banned for it ?? I apologize if any of the information was unclear or wrong to some extent! For the most part it is correct ???
  10. Yeah, using computer emulators are against ToU but not app duplicators.
  11. Ata needs to update their ToU so bad or at least in a few areas
  12. True
  13. I’m always silenced, I no understand
  14. useless.
    OP, shove this one up your butt
  15. The thing is half the time ATA don’t even be doin anything about these. I understand they’re real people and have lives but this is also their business.

    You can’t say it’s against ToU to mention third party apps, or post sëxual things and have 1/2 of PIMD running around doing just that. I can’t tell you how many times I see people posting about trading pics/app info for IG items.

    That being said, they do try..I’m not saying they don’t. I just personally wish they were a bit better at it.

  16. Then most forums should be expelled for defamatory remarks
  17. Good informative thread. Wish more people would be aware instead of whining about why they're silenced etc.
  18. I would assume this is because of how simple it would be to bot an account with a computer emulator

    ToU is a bunch of common sense though, let's be honest. Should be pretty easy to not accidentally break any rules