support me please

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Triggered, Jan 25, 2019.

  1. Whites are the weirdest race ;)
  2. Eh
    All races have something “weird” about them ?‍♀️
  3. Is this a weak troll or just some new meme I’m too old for

  4. Or just agree the whole human race is a mess and leave it at that
  5. This might be a joke but :?

    Because surely when a couple individuals are very quirky and weird, they describe the whole disposition of their belonging race. But, we all get defensive when someone stereotypes, so I don’t understand. How would people react when someone say all black people steal, all white people are weird, asians can’t drive, etc? This just goes to show. Stop stereotyping other races. Nobody likes it, you wouldn’t like it yourself, so stop doing it. We’re all hypocrites and strange and a mess at the end of the day, anyways. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
  6. #whiteandweird
  7. White boy here and we da greatest race 
  8. Poorly executed joke.
    No punchline or setup.
    I'd give OP the benefit of the doubt, but I strongly believe they're just racist.
  9. I rather be weird than normal ?