New Gen Trolls

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MrWallace, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. So I must ask, who are the forum trolls these days? I feel like I should reclaim my spot here in the forums
  2. Who are you?
  3. I'm just an old troll ?
  5. I see Ciara is one of them
  6. If u cut off the nïps do they grow back as nïps or just regular skin?
  7. now im curious about this?
  8. They grow back as just regular skin.

  9. because reddit is the new wikipedia
  10. Do they have pictures? :(
  11. ^ They're pretty disappointing.
  12. But like here’s a scenario, grill gives birth, has no nïps anymore, do her boobs become watermelons cuz of all the milk?
  13. Bısh how high are you?
  14. Tell me how those nïps magically fall off after childbirth first.
  15. The doctor is mentally insane and collects them after every child birth
  16. I’m high on boredom
  17. 0/10 thread. Washed up troll is washed up.
  18. Who said anything about being washed up?

    I've been banned about the last 3 years
  19. Get preggo and test that theory for us