Can i just say... You sound like you are "bragging" about how well you know her. I don't know her well but from what i saw she wasn't one for forum drama. You continuously dragging on this whole situation is going against everything i saw in La.
You can. Thanks for your input. I'll let her know she was well remembered in forums as you can no longer PM her.
That is none of your concern. Someone asked you to PM them about it earlier and you didn't. If you were that curious you could have PM'd one of them. Not sure you would have received a response... but pretending to care this much is eh... kind of fake.
That’s just it.. I don’t care :lol: I don’t need a response from someone who “quit” pimd either. I’m just curious why people can’t let the girl either speak for herself or just do nothing. It’s borderline creepy how hard you are going to speak for others
It's borderline creepy that you continue to reply to a thread about someone you don't care about to someone that is simply answering the questions being asked.
I also said I was being open-minded. I have all possibilities at play here. You said she had 2 really good friends, so I altered the narrative and said they could just be friends or people that talk frequently. And, you know what? You don't even have to be friends with Lala to miss her presence on forums. A lot of people liked her, whether it was in a friendship or from afar.