La’s Goldfish Raffle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Jan 28, 2019.

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  1. Yeah the reason being to get you out their PMs probably. Or at least that's what I would do.
  2. Pretty sure that's not for you to say, are you la? No? Then bye bye.
  3. I was in Chilluminati for a bit while, am I included in this "no one"?
  4. A word commonly used throughout the world is.. wrong? You ignore the question pointing out as you posting with an alt tho? Y’all backwards

    Naming someone and asking them not to be mentioned work hand in hand tho. How do you not see that? dont squint? you’re forcing op to feel she can’t name someone who gave her permission. On a game.. where you don’t need permission to name someone.. your argument is more holy than y’all take other users to be. Because again y’all kept quiet until a user came back from the PIMDead to comment. And you further post FOR them dressed up as an alt no less.

    Like what level confused are y’all?
  6. They aren’t confused at all. To make this as simple as possible, continuing the raffles is fine. It was a nice gesture to dedicate them to previous posts. It would be preferable for us if they were continued without the repeated reference to previous posts.
  7. But why do y’all care? You quit the app you wash your hands of anything that goes on further. It’s not even you being named specifically. So never again can you both be named on forums where you both spent plenty time doing things.
  8. This issue has been resolved everyone.
  9. There should’ve been no issue to resolve :?
  10. No one said anything about being named only. I get that YOU are having a difficult time understanding why I would prefer not to have in memoriam threads made about us. You do not need to worry yourself with why I care. I am asking for my request to be respected. You are clearly saying that you don’t respect my request. I do get it. If you need further explanation and feel that strongly, send a PM. Please and Thanks.
  11. That part. Should of pmed or walled if there was a issue instead of dragging this forum out. @everyone who put their 2 cents in not necessary. It’s a game for crying out loud. Mind your business.
  12. You don’t need to worry about an app that you “quit” tho :? Yet here we are.
  13. You keep saying "us", but I'm really not sure where any of this has to do with you. This thread was made for La, not you.
  14. That is for a private discussion... Which is why I am not openly addressing it.
  15. This is wypipo drama....
  16. Not worried about the “app” sir.
  17. Why do y’all have to ruin a raffle with arguments. Stop derailing threads pls, thanks.
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