Saddest Song Lyrics.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BabygirI, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. "They say don't let them in
    Close your eyes and clear your thoughts again
    But when I'm all alone,
    They show up on their own."

    "So Angels angels please just keep on fighting. Angels don't give up on me today."

    -Inner Demons by Julia Brennan
  2. For a song that doesn't sound sad the lyrics are pretty dark.

    Assisted suicide
    She dreams about dying all the time
    She told me she came so close
    Filled up the bathtub and put on our first record

    creature comfort by arcade fire
  3. "I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind"

    Sorry - Halsey

    By the time I was your age I'd give anything to fall in love truly
    was all I could think
    that's when I met your mother
    the girl of my dreams
    the most beautiful woman that I'd ever seen.
    She said boy can I tell you a wonderful thing?
    "I can't help but notice you staring at me
    I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe
    I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me."
    Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things.
    Now most of the time we'd have too much to drink
    and we'd laugh at the stars and we'd share everything.
    Too young to notice and too dumb to care
    love was a story that couldn't compare.
    I said girl can I tell you a wonderful thing?
    "I made you a present with paper and string
    open with care now, I'm asking you please
    you know that I love you
    will you marry me?"
    Now son I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things
    you'll learn one day, and I hope and I pray that God shows you differently.
    She said boy can I tell you a terrible thing?
    "It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks.
    Please don't be sad now, I really believe
    you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
    Slow, so slow, I fell to the ground on my knees.
    So don't fall in love there's just too much to lose
    if you're given the choice, I'm begging you choose to walk away, walk away
    don't let it get you, I can't bare to see the same happen to you.
    Now son, I'm only telling you this, because life can do terrible things.

    Terrible Things
    By Mayday Parade
  5. Judging x2
  6. Evanesence - Missing
    Evanesence - Hello
  7. La di da di da. Slob on me knob. Like corn on a cob. ☹
  8. So sad
  9. Spring day-BTS
    Its really a sad song,dedicated to a friend that is passed away/gone for a long time and waiting for him to get back again for so many springdays may come.
  10. "So don't fall in love there's just too much to lose. If you're given the choice, I'm begging you choose to walk away walk away don't let it get you, I can't bare to see the same that happen to you. Now son, I'm only telling you this, because life can do terrible thibgs" - terrible things by mayday parade
  11. You don't wanna die tonight. Take one more breath to clear your mind. This moment is relevant, bittersweet and delicate.tomorrow may not come again. Tonight is all there is.

    The Maine - 24 Floors
  12. I'll be fine, I swear I'm just gone beyond repair

    Mayday Parade - Jersey
  13. And tbh the whole Adam's Song by Blink182
  14. been in a sad mood all week so i listen to this cause it sums me up well

    Little do you know
    How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
    Little do you know
    I'm still haunted by the memories
    Little do you know
    I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece
    Little do you know
    I need a little more time
    Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
    I've been holding back
    For the fear that you might change your mind
    I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight
    Little do you know
    I need a little more time

    "Little Do You Know" by Alex and Sierra
  15. That’s a classic. With this one you can cry your soul out haha ?
  16. I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
    But though you're still with me
    I've been alone all along

    My Immortal- Evanescence
  17. haha yep i kinda like it so its on a repeat for now til i find a sadder one
  18. I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
    With the teddy bear you gave me that I held so tight
    I thought you were so strong
    You'd make it through whatever
    It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever

    Bye Bye- Mariah Carey

    This song will forever make me cry and it’s been 10 years. All I do is think of my grandmother when I hear it
  19. "Tell me, am I mistaken?
    Cause I don't have another heart for breakin'."
    ~ Heartbeats by Amy Diamond

    "Crowded hallways are the loneliest places
    For outcasts and rebels
    Or anyone who just dares to be different
    And you've been trying for so long
    To find out where your place is
    But in their narrow minds
    There's no room for anyone who dares to do something different"
    ~ Invisible by Hunter Hayes

    "I try not to think
    About the pain I feel inside
    Did you know you used to be my hero?
    All the days you spent with me
    Now seem so far away
    And it feels like you don't care any more
    And now I try hard to make it
    I just want to make you proud
    I'm never gonna be good enough for you
    I can't stand another fight
    And nothing's all right"
    ~ Perfect by Simple Plan (the whole song is sad tbh)

    "I want to taste her lips
    Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
    I want to drown myself
    In a bottle of her perfume
    I want her long blonde hair
    I want her magic touch
    Yeah, 'cause maybe then
    You'd want me just as much"
    ~ Girl Crush by Little Big Town (this is sad for me k)

    "Now all I hear are screams between us
    resounding and bouncing the echoes throughout my mind.
    Nothing is left, nothing remains at the end of the line.
    At the end of our chain, we've both run out of time.
    So was it fate that brought us together
    only to remind us that love's not forever?"
    ~ Just Be Friends by Megurine Luka
    English Translation by Rachel Robichaud
    (ohhh lawd the feels)
  20. The song was bohemon raphsody?
    Mama, I dont wanna die. Sometimes i wish that I never born at all..