
Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jan 16, 2019.

  2. Attack your own fort. Instead of throwing a snowball you’ll add a brick
    Kefo likes this.
  3. Wait. Top 750 from winning team? Would be kinda fưckd up if people from losing teams get prizes and but have people in the winning team get nothing
  5. the frostbite took away the fun of pvp bye im backing out?
    Kefo likes this.
  6. how long does this last omg i hate this?
    Kefo likes this.
  7. ^^^ also wondering
    Kefo likes this.

  8. It clearly states that the winning team will be receiving these rewards. Top 750 players of the WINNING team will receive the avis and Top 100 players of the WINNING team will also receive the avis AND the special stat item we see here.

    In the item description it also says it will be given to “top participants from the winning team.” Idk why the avis aren’t on the leaderboard rewards but maybe it’s a glitch or they changed something up last minute. Regardless, I doubt the non-winning teams will receive anything.
    Kefo likes this.
  9. It also states you get points for hitting opposing teams and that it will show a flag but we got people hitting just anyone no matter weather they have a flag or not so honestly at this point ata you made this hunt pointless
  10. How do you get out of a frost bite
    Kefo likes this.
  11. hi burning ice ice baby
  12. this is coooolll!?️
    Kefo likes this.
  13. You're complaining about a part of how how other people play even though a.t.a have no influence over that decision.

    Go and complain. Rally your allies. Make a club.
  14. oh u found me. there’s nowhere for me to go ?
  15. i don’t like this because the people are literally gifting like they are sfw. they say they are doing it for the hunt when it’s really people being aholes wanting a cf
  17. How much cash would u lose if u get hit?
  18. No rewards for defending hits and using snow bricks?
    Kefo likes this.