Rynn is Asian. Plus I know several other people of color joined the discussion. Rynn even talked about how she had an Asian friend that was the product of incest. Dismissing incest as just a 'white thing' makes people of color that are victims of incest more ashamed and more likely to not seek professional help.
I think im safe. Havnt been arestd yet woulda ages ago if was gonna be ?? Only did it with 2 chicks n but it still dont count coz we didnt know
Everything in forums lately is about race it seems, despite southern states being predominately leaning towards black states and all the info I found on inbreeding states shows its majority southern ones ?
:lol: in this case that may not be a bad thing, I more meant it as in “white people” shouldn’t even be brought up in this, it should be people as a whole, not everything can be justified by skin color.