A Goldfish Raffle to Prove I'm OK

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lala-Land, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. Do these even need an intro anymore?

    Le Prize of For Grabs:

    Rules are very simple: send a goldfish to enter your name into the drawing. All entries should be sent to my alt @--inkheart-- (I'll post in the thread for an easy link.) Once you've sent your entry post "Entered" on this thread. (please remember to do both or your entry will not be counted)

    I'm only counting one entry per person, so multiple entries are not allowed ?

    The winner will be chosen at changeover tomorrow and announced shortly after. (Unless my power goes out because of snow and all that jazz)

    Tldr: send my alt a goldfish, comment entered, have a chance win this hunts rug.

    Please contact me with any questions regarding this raffle ?

    Good luck everyone!
  2. All entries should be sent here
  3. Entered
  4. Entered for Rs " thedevilsadvocate "
  5. Entered ♡
  6. Entered
  7. Entered 
  8. Current Entries

    1. xXx-N-xXx_Lilith_xXx-L-xXx
    2. GoonieGooGoo
    3. KeMoNeYhUnNiE
    4. Thedevilsadvocate (entry paid by RS)
    5. Princess_melanin
    6. Ailee
    7. Satire
    8. The_DemonQueen
    9. RavenCorvus9127
    10. Muschi
    11. V_Witchy_101
    12. Monicara
  9. But I want dat 499 on your alt sugar *_* i need a price
  10. ^^^I'm not selling it : |

    It has sentimental value. I don't sell things with sentimental value.