Cold World

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Jan 11, 2019.

  1. No support. JK lol.

    I'll post some pics maybe tomorrow, we're supposed to get snow.
  2. i hate snow tbh?but i only like it for snow days tho?

  3. It Really Do Be Like That Sometimes
  4. Closest I have been to snow is the slush that forms on the back of the freezer when it gets too cold...

    Does that count? XD
  5. O and my contact with snow has been through 7eleven slushie snow cones :p

  6. A rose covered in snow from last winter (it's summer here now, but it still might snow, TBH).
  7. thats gorgeous!
  8. OMG! ?
  9. Love!
  10. This is a nightmare!
  11. There’s no snow here... but like they said it might rain tonight so I guess we’ll be out of a drought
  12. Nice memories
  13. Another fact is that the phrase "No two snowflakes are the same" is an urban myth
  14. Awww
  15. Anytime, and you know where to get me if things get too bad. I barely sleep anymore anyway.
  16. Damn, glad you avoided that. Phew.
  17. Fail math much?

  18. throwback to when i was in china & we were at a petrol station after a 3 hour bus ride, on our way to a snow village. ?
  19. SAME