Apology for yourtoy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xX-_-AmIHavingFunYet-_-Xx, Dec 24, 2018.

  1. I negan am a coward for farming yourtoy for my stupid reason and will not bother her or anybody in her club again
  2. What the hell, negan
  3. We still love u
  4. Did you bash her man's head in too?
  5. Super legit

  6. 
  7. OP cf granted request lock.
  8. Damn. And he just got kicked out of my club for crying about hits. SHEESH!

  9. Lmao
  10. Wot am I witnessing?
  11. Guy farmed some girl, and then got farmed back by the girl's club. Part of OP's CF was to post an apology in forums. His CF was then granted.
  12. A nubbier negan basically
  13. I support the following message
    For he is the imposter. I am the real Negan and Lucille will have her wrath. She is a VAMPIRE BAT!?
  14. This is why I was confused.

    It is not the REAL NEGAN!

    Anyway I love to see a good ol forum cf post the day before Christmas :)
    Big Support @OP
    And @those who gave OP the cf conditions
  15. I have one of the real Megan's farms in my club rn

    Hmu about a kick ;)
  16. Oh I thought someone stole my vibrator, I hate misleading titles :p
  17. Whomst is Megan
  18. Began auto corrected to Megan

    edit: wow. *negan