I watch YouTube when im on the toilet. Even to the point im just sitting there watching altho I could just get off the toilet but i just keep watchinggggggg
Well well I’ll play a game if I have my phone with me...if not I’ll just read at the ingredients of my shampoo or something like that lol
toilet bowl, yes have taken my phone sometimes to hit the cc and chat..I rarely read forums, urs r the first I have read n started replying, else I m always on pm. To be honest I learnt how to check out the forum from my Tut, so she suggested me do this..here I am..maybe 4-5 day straight getting up in the morning n writing here.
When I'm on the toilet taking a deuce, I'm usually UL on parties and staying active in my clubs chat. Sometimes I'll be surfing on those 3rd party apps that shall not be named, normally I'll even sit there for an extra 20-30 mins because I'm too lazy to get up... But than I'll regret it almost immediately because my leg will be asleep
i take my phone with me with a pen & look up doodles, get into a relaxed position, & draw on my thighs ?.
I used to take my phone with me and browse only the dankest of memes. Then one day i dropped my phone in between my legs and lost about 400 pictures. Its was one helluva crappy situation. Now i just sit and contemplate life or image where i would be if i didnt loose so many beautiful memory filled photos to a poopy, watery mess...
I hate to not have my phone when I’m pooping!! Unless I’m at my own house because I always keep a book in the bathroom to read while I’m doing it. But I don’t always read the book. First thing in the morning poop is always spent checking out my games and getting my daily sign ins. Sometimes I scroll IG or FB. If I’m at someone else’s house and I forget my phone I’m eyeballing the whole bathroom and reading any bottle I can get my hands on. Lol
I do various things. Sometimes I play PIMD on my phone, check my social media accounts. But most of the time, I read manga or watch anime, which often makes me stay inside the bathroom even when I already finished.
I chill, sometimes longer than I am actually using the bathroom cauz mom life only safe quiet place for some time alone, and depends on what I feel like doing. I listen to music, chill on pimd lurking the ever so entertaining pub, talk to myself (only if im feeling a bit crazy), or just stare at the floor enjoying the alone time.
I don’t know why but I always remember the most important things while on the toilet so I go strait away to my notes and type it so I don’t forget So yeah I use my phone
LoL question ? I take my phone along with me coz I'll always be in middle of a game or something (PIMD recently) . So wen it comes to PIMD and Toilet, I unload on both xD
Haha that's a great question I'm usually bouncing around on games on my phone and listening to music. Oh also I need to mention that every time and only when I do does my cat Rocko follow me into the bathroom and will sit on my lap and either a) play with my phone charm or b) take a nap. I'm like for real this cat senses when I need to do #2 before I even realize it ??
idk if I should change the question now to be consistent, or follow pimd time and wait for Christmas Eve. Holy hell, how did I not realize changeover time isn't PIMD new day time. ?