I some days I feel like a plastic bag, blowing discarded in the wind. Those days are the hard days, the lonely ones. Other days I feel like a reusable cloth bag that keeps people coming back for more️
Actually No i dont. I see the world differently from how everyone else does. So no o do not see myself as a plastic bag
Well, you see, sometimes when I'm really badly dissociating, nothing is real in that moment and I get so out of it that I feel like I'm almost floating its like ya got a bad batch of weed lmao Does that count Bc plastic bags are all wooshy in the wind so like Yeah
Biggest rip is you waking up, and your phone isn't charged at all. sad reaccs onli today is a new day, and with a new day, is a new question! ☃ today's rewards ? ☃ ❀ yay stat items ❀ ❀ random furniture ❀ ❀ gift to signify how much you suck ❀ Yo, I'm still sad over my phone. :C ☃ question of the day ☃ on December 17, 2018 QoTD: Based on your traits and personality, if you were a god, what would you preside over? What would you wish you could preside over? Answer Genre: Anything goes. New Rule: I'll only be accepting unique answers! I'll tell you if your answer is not unique! ☃ special thanks for donations ☃ ellliii Schwanz Milkshakie I've decided that I'm going to be handing out the wonderful donations at the end of the giveaway. When the event is over, I will be generating different numbers based on the number of replies, and I'll match it with the respective post number. Please note that this allows duplicate winners for the donations, but invalid answers would not be included. good luck, wannabe dev, rynn - I gtg #2 -
Have on the toilet. Make sure you put your phone on charge also. If I was a God. I would WANT to be the god of warmth and reassurance - someone who helped those in need, someoen who stopped people from making permenant decisions based on temp emotions. Someone who helped those with mental health issues. I'd be the someone i needed. But in all honesty - I'd be the good of bad luck and clumsiness - cursed to spend all eternity, cursing others lmao
According to my bf, I would be like Poseidon to a "less extreme" which I agree tbh. It's less of a personality thing and more of a passion thing, which I guess may tie into personality? Having control of the seas, and nurturing the creatures within them, would be amazing. An actual god/goddess of the seas would protect life within them and cause the destruction to them to become limited or even ceased, which I'm extremely passionate about on my own. Along with that, getting to create new creatures as well, like Poseidon did, especially with his creation of the horse, would be so fascinating as well. Either way, no matter what I actually had control over, I believe it would be something joyous. As much as I've struggled with being happy myself throughout life, I never want the people I care about, or even strangers, to be broken up over something. I like to think maybe I'd have something to do with miracles.
If I was a god, I'd preside over emotions, I'm just this dynamic person and I get angry easily, sad easily, and happy easily. But, tbh, after 20 years of being in and out of shit relationships and having a small family, I would want to be a god of love, like Cupid or Aphrodite, but not lust. Like genuine love and compassion for others.
Mmm probably something related to books and/or lesbianism? I've always liked artemis, the goddess of staying young and womanhood/lesbianism, since she was like the female version of peter pan, so probs something like that altho less athletic (unless the athletism had to with dance since i love doing ballet) and probs more animal loving (since artemis was known for hunting animals with her bow n arrow)
I'd be the God of Gods, I'd basically rule over all of the gods, and if they didn't do my bidding then I'd pull a thanos, snap deez fingers and have em disappear. Suckers!!!
If I were a GOD, I would like to be the god of the Wise and mindgames. I personally, wouldn't say I'm very wise but I am wise in comes in decisions specially in business. I wouldn't be the god who'll stay as a good one, I can be a bad one also to those who tries to overpass me shouldn't try cause I like mindgames, I myself is a mindgame, my grandma taught me alot since I was little. She's the gods of gods in this and I adore her.
If I were a god, I would like to preside over all the prayers that I receive. Sorting them out with those who pray only when they need something and those who are constantly praying. I will bless those who have been praying without fail. Obviously I won’t just chuck those that pray only when they need something aside, but I will slowly guide them to believe that they should do so more often instead of only finding god’s help (me) when they are in a crisis.
I would preside over animal kind. I’ve always had a connection with animals and deeply care for them. I spend countless hours in animal shelter and feel like that is the one thing I am closest to in this world ️? ?️
maybe something related to art and design? those are some things that i’m really into. i feel like i would provide some sort of inspiration to artists as a god.
I would preside over libraries and bookstores. I treasure books and I have a steadily growing collection of them. I love the sound a new book spine will make when it cracks, I love a book with a buttery soft cover, I love books that have hidden pictures under their dust jackets. I’ve been reading for as long as I can remember and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
If I were a God I’d preside over spirituality and passion. Im a very firm believer and believe in giving my everything towards it.
I'm like 80% sure this is already a thing, but I've been obsessed with reptiles since I was young, like when Steve Irwin died my tiny soul crumbled. Even now I breed snakes, lizards, and amphibians of all kinds and I love it. (this includes fish, insects, arachnids) So i'd be a god of the creepy crawlies I guess?