Bill Cosby...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bruva, Dec 12, 2018.

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  1. Again, race doesn't predict anything except "black people are x% likely to experience racism x times per year" or something like that...

    To everyone else, it's irrelevant afaik.

    A study of grief.

    It isn't even the race. It's the country too. People of the same race in every other country in the world experience considerably less racism than they do in America. In America Race is a big concept. IDC about it and you shouldn't either.

    Anyway I found a study:

    " An estimated 82.1% of ancestors to African-Americans lived in Africa prior to the advent of transatlantic travel, 16.7% in Europe, and 1.2% in the Americas, "

    I'm glad you don't actually believe in race or think that racial distinctions matter. Do you identify with your mongol brothers and sisters? Idc if you do.

    Never heard of ethnic genes. Sociology is unscientific now?
  2. I care to the extent of other ppl judging me based off race, because it affects my life and is annoying.

    And no i don't identify w/asian ppl. Regardless of biologically shared traits, the cultures are very different.

    And i didn't mean sociology is completely unscientific i just meant it had nothing to do with biology
  3. Okay I see.

    It's based on peoples' perceptions...

    Perceptions based on an old scientific theory of distinction based on genes.

    A theory which is dead in actual science but still leads to discrimination, but considerably less than it once did...

    And you're keeping that theory alive by transplanting its root of existence from the "unscientific theory" to a new place by saying "ooo look, everyone thinks this way therefore it's real. It's real because we think it. We need to think about it more in order to fix it!"

    Nah. I don't think that's a good solution to racial prejudice.
  4. ? I didn't say it's 'real' because everyone thinks it. I'm saying if the majority of ppl think something it matters. Regardless of the truth or whatever, what the majority of ppl think in a lot of cases is what matters most. Galileo was placed under house arrest and forbidden to teach because he thought the earth was round. Duh. Das what i'm sayin
  5. You’re right here though??
  6. Why does any of this matter ? Honestly... ??‍♀️
  7. I'll cosby them cheeks. ??
  8. *arrests you*
  9. Hey, for a guy to act like a gangster and suddenly fly out the country when real gangsters come to your city to see just how "gangster" you truly are in person... and you fly out of the country like a scared bi tch... that proves that he'll be seen as one. Since he's in there for life, he might wanna invest in assh ole plastic surgery since they already see him as a female. All I know is the one pedop hile got ra ped by 20 different men, then stitched up, then rera ped by 20 men... Tekashi gang ra ped a 13 year old (statutory ra pe) and he slept with a 17 year old. They dont like pedoph iles in prison.

    You have to see the memes though.
  10. Kefo, for you to state my opinion as racially motivated is ironic and inaccurate. It is also a defamation of character. I would accept head from a woman no matter what her race, skin color, religion or beliefs.

    You're known in multiple line group chats to post memes with racial slurs towards black people. People already know about you. Idc if you identify as an Arab. People can identify as whatever they want, but I acknowledge people as what God originally made them to be. For you to mention your comments are a part of your genuine character is worrisome. For someone who may have more knowledge than me, you make the dumbest comments. They dont hold meaning or purpose. It's as if you yearn to be a part of the conversations
  11. You mentioned the color of my skin... As though it's a reason for the way I responded to your threads.

    Never said your opinion was racially motivated. I said you said mine was. So take that whole first paragraph and @ yourself.

    Nobody wants to think about your pants. This is a game's forums, not your playhouse.

    And lol wut?

    Meme police over here.

    So what is motivating my comments if not my character? I thought it was your toilet threads like this outdated one, and one that reminds me of girls in campus posting asking for nobody to hire/follow them... Most people who would have followed them anyway would never see the post in campus...

    But imagine if one of them was audacious enough to go to forums and post the same thing you did. "Nobody follow me. I'm not interested" I'd be the first person to tell them to foh :lol:

    Just don't add people back. It's on you. Nobody cares.

    Your threads are 99% trash. If you don't want criticism, don't make threads, or better yet, make good ones.
  12. My threads aren't trash. I can't take a racist serious. Are you jealous about the low views of your threads? C'mon now, your argument is selfish. You care enough to lie on my threads with inconsistent bs. I never understood what's the purpose if being a hater. All you gain is embarrassment. Yet, many of you seem to love embarrassing yourselves. I thought they were more mature, helpful and kinder in Australia. If I didn't know any better I'd assume you were American.
  13. Don't mind me yall, white American comin thru this thread with mad swagger brah
  14. You're cracking. I'm gonna stop naht.

    Not sure what inconsistent stuff you're talking about so I don't know how to refute that.

    9/10ths of that post isn't even worth mentioning.

    You wanna say this thread is on topic and current? You think anyone cares about how they get treated in prison?
    We all know that Tekashi's gonna be punked out. And Cosby's been buying protection. Maybe he'll run out of money. Maybe someone won't care about the money and will do something.

    It's such an ugly and irrelevant topic. Let them fight tooth and nail for their life in prison. It's none of our business.

    And your threads are trash. I'll point out why if I can see a reason. Is it inconsistent? Point it out. You can't argue a point or appeal a silence because the criticisms and silences are fair.

    You can't just coerce mods and insult people personally to rid yourself of criticism :lol:

    Haters... Embarrassing themselves... On my case... I was wronged... GOMD... Etc. Etc.

    Waaa waaa waaa WHY YOU ALWAYS CRYING?!
  15. I like Kefo's threads.
  16. Kefo....people in my gcs do complain about the quality of your memes :( they find them to do you say...trash?
  17. My threads aren't trash. Nobody cares whether you like my threads or not. Who asked you if you like my threads? I dont post threads to impress no one. Is it my fault you make a big deal over a meme you didn't gain any attention off of?
  18. And racist!
  19. I have gotten this complaint thrice :( sorry Kefo you know you're my favorite black queen but
  20. :lol:
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