Holly Poplar and the Party of Dorm

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATARogers, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. Celebrate this holiday season by living out your magical fantasies with us!

    Stay tuned for that noon phone call for a chance to earn some witch and wizardy avatars, rewards and furniture over the next couple of weeks!

    Get Sorted Into Your Very Own House!

    At noon, you will be 'Sorted' into 1 of 4 Houses to complete your stories: Lyonklaw, Badgerin, Eagledor or Serpentpuff. Which House you choose to be a part of will determine the unique avatars you win when you complete your stories!

    Once you pick a House to call your own, you will receive your House's party drops (either Lyonklaw Decorations, Badgerin Decorations, Eagledor Decorations, or Serpentpuff Decorations). You will have to work with other students and trade with them to collect the other three House Decorations.

    Collecting 30 of all 4 kinds of Decorations will auto-combine into 1 Unified House Star which will determine your story and leaderboard progress!

    Choose carefully. Once chosen, you only get to complete that Story, and no, no backsies!

    Avatar Preview!

    Apart from the avis sneak-peeked above, here are a few others available! Check out the stories to see all that's available!

    Event Premium Parties

    You know they're back!

    Because of the increasing difficulty in party tiers, it is very possible that you won't succeed at a harder party.

    What's Going Down:
    ☞ There are 5 Event Premium Parties for this event.
    ☞ These will be gone at the end of the event.
    ☞ Each Party will cost a certain number of Boarblamesh Letters to start.
    1. Rookie Runes - 4 Boarblamesh Letters
    2. Amateur Arithmancy - 7 Boarblamesh Letters
    3. Moderate Magical Beasts - 10 Boarblamesh Letters
    4. Proficient Potions - 15 Boarblamesh Letters
    5. Champion Charms - 22 Boarblamesh Letters
    ☞ Each Letter will cost 5 ECs and will be available at the Store. These Letters are a super rare drop from the Event Boxes too ;)
    ☞ Yes, each Party must be unlocked by completing the Party preceding it.
    ☞ The more challenging the Party, the more bewitching the prizes.

    5 ECs for 1 Boarblamesh Letter.

    There's also something different about these parties... we've given them a makeover! As previously previewed in May earlier this year, we've showcasing this new look with Christmas Conjurations!

    What You Need to Know
    ☞ While party mechanics (who can hit the parties, the amount of damage possible, etc) are still all the same...
    ☞ ... each action is now in a different place on the party screen (which scrolls to reveal more of the party).
    ☞ After completing a task, the screen will automatically jump to the next task.
    ☞ Make sure to get your app to the latest version to ensure a smoooooth experience!

    Here's a sneak peek-a-ino.

    Disclaimer: This is not the real game, so don't go farming whoever is named Pineapple up there.


    This dormitory is Ridikkulus.

    All furniture above are available through the Event Boxes, the Furniture Store AND our classic Holiday Furniture Box that's back!

    Holiday Furniture Box

    Bed Posters

    If you scrutinized my elaborately put-together collage of event furniture up there, you will notice that the Bed Poster is missing. That's because we have a different plan for them this event!

    You can earn your House's Bed Posters through the stories! You can also trade other players for their House's to collect all of them! Tag yourselves, obviously I'm a Serpentpuff.
    AALIYAHPEZ143, Muschi, Atlas and 2 others like this.
  3. Also omggggg yuss I love it
  4. Ahh! Looks wonderful!
  5. YESSS!!!!
  6. Sorry but dumb and boring.
    _Tommy_Shelby__ likes this.
  7. YES 
  9. So many options to choose from . Any idea about them ? ?
  10. I picked green snake and lyonclaw - ended up with the gryffindor option
  11. Yes, Lyonklaw is the Gryffindor version :~)

    If you picked it, you would end up in it. After all, JK herself said it:

  12. I picked green (even though my favourite colour is red), loyal, and serpentpuff. I happily got the Slytherin version :D
  13. Are the premium parties just not working? I cant find them to start one, anyone else?
  14. Does it matter which colour (only avi with be that colour) or brave or loyal we choose ? Will they lead to other options ?