Things that are more important than PIMD

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. Asking for a friend....

    List them.
  2. Non-virtual animals, meaningful conversations, music, art, the great outdoors (even if it is cold af.)
  3. Applying deodorant. ;)
  4. SHE-

  5. Wealth, stealth, health, and sandwich cuz fúck yeah, who don't love a well made sandwich.
  6. Blending a really good strawberry smoothie.
  7. Real life
  8. 1.waxing your pubic hairs
    2.trying not to buy a qp of weed
    3.hiding the credit card bill from my husband neighbor and her kids jumping 1 of her baby daddies?
  9. Anything other than pimd.
    Brittany likes this.
  10. ️
  11. Family / pets
  12. Isn't that the same as cologne