Silence Contest

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by R3n, Nov 7, 2018.

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  1. You said "Yup. Go flirt in Spanish amongst your taco smothering friends... I say those fajitas in yo bra" on campus chat

    Not a valid silence. The mod clearly had some silencing fetish and "saw" came out as "say" anyways.

    "You have been SILENCED from messaging. Reason: Language that promotes discrimination or hatred towards individuals or groups due to ethnicity, nationality, gender, orientation, or disability."

    Every race literally speaks Spanish and I didn't specify what the person is. Mods shouldn't be allowed to base on assumptions. The person even sent three laughing emojis and is still tryna hmu on third party. Smh. Whoever silenced me, your mom's a hoe
  2. "Snap my neck tbh?"
  3. Mood tho
  4. The number '20'
    Apparently joining other players while they could t is an offence.
  5. I got silenced because this girl said she had a dirty diaper and needed a daddy to change it, so I said “dang can’t control your bowels? It be like that.”
  6. Got silences for saying "You only want me for suck your pepe"
  7. When I first joined I asked for a poster swop; was silenced for trying to trade photos. ?
  8. I was silenced for saying “Sorry Low, I would add you but my daughter plays on the same system.” Referring to PS4. They said it was for my protection... I refused to add someone ??‍♀️ still don’t understand it since I didn’t hand out any personal info.
  9. I said “suck my ****” to my old rs buuuut we were just messing around on pub at the time ??
  10. trashie is trashie LOL
  11. I said “ash makes me nut irl” and the mod was a triggered lil 12yo ? but ggwp
  12. It’s definitely not wise to repost what you got silenced, particularly if that silence was for graphic or inappropriate language..

    You guys can check the FAQ for most of the obvious silencable offences, but not all are listed. For example, group spam is a big one people don’t understand. Eg, you’re doing the alphabet with campus, you only post one letter.. but if yours is the 5th post, you’re liable to be silenced. Be wise and just don’t, k?

    Locking 
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