The Test.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *-Jodiiee- (01), Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Lance and Phoebe had been walking for miles, until they finally found the prison of Pesalah. The building was long, and looked very dismal. You could tell it was old because of the mold forming on most of the bricking. There was electric barbed wire surrounding the whole prison, bound to kill someone the instant they touched it. At the entrance of the building there was a huge iron gate, full of rust at the edges.

    "Well.. Here we are. Pesalah prison." grinned Lance.
    Phoebe looked doubtfully at the place. She didn't expect it to be so daunting. They both stood together at the iron gates and peered in through the bars, glancing up at the building.
    A young boy was peering through one of the shattered windows. He looked frail, dirty, and innocent.
    "Poor boy.." mumbled Phoebe.
    "Well, we going in or not?" asked Lance.
    Phoebe nodded and within seconds, a guard came towards the gate and questioned the two on why they were on Pesalah prisons land.

    The guard recognized Lance.
    "Lance, my man! What brings you here? Better be stayin' outta trouble.." he winked.
    Lance put on a pretend smile.
    "You know him?" asked Phoebe.
    "Ya' got yerself a lady then?" the guard continued, eyeing up Phoebe. "Little Lancey boy here stayed in this prison for 14 years, didn't ya' boy?"
    Lance looked down at the floor, ashamed.
    "Now, what is that you're here for?" he asked.
    "Just visiting someone.." Lance said.
    "N'ah, come on Lance. Don't lie ta me.." the guard grimaced.
    He eyed Phoebe and Lance with dirty looks.
    "Ya' up to summit.. Aren't ya'" he said slowly.
    Phoebe and Lance exchanged glances.

    A sudden look of anger formed the guards face. "Ya' know I don't like little kids messing around." he shouted, pulling out a gun from his trouser pocket.
    "Grab his keys!" yelled Phoebe.
    It all happened so fast. Lance did as he was told and grabbed the keys around the guards pocket trouser. He retrieved the successfully.
    The guard held his gun up to Lance's head.
    "Ha. Ya' didn't see that one coming, did ya? Now.. Don't move." he spat.
    "Give me the keys and be on yer way. Or you'll both be in ere."

    Phoebe cussed under her breathe and signaled for Lance to give the keys back.
    "Ya' lady has some sense..I'm surprised." laughed the guard.
    Lance cussed at the guard.

    This angered the guard even more. He turned red, and you could see his veins slowly starting to appear on the sides of his neck. He clearly didn't like being argued with.
    He stepped closer to the gate and jabbed the gun into the side of Lance's head.
    "For gods sake, give him the gun!" screamed Phoebe.

    Within an instant, a loud zipping noise flew past Phoebe and Lance, and right into the head of the guard, causing blood to spew everywhere.
    The guard groaned and fell to the floor, whilst Lance and Phoebe looked shocked at the sight, then started frantically looking around.
    "What the $#%€$ do we do?" screamed Phoebe at Lance.
    "I don't know!" he yelled. "I'm just an Irish lad who owns a bakery!"

    "Wrong." said Neeka, appearing down the street. "You're an Irish lad, who grew up in Pesalah prison. You know damn well how this place is run." she said.
    She walked up to Lance and Phoebe, and swiped the keys off of Lance, then stared at Neeka. Betrayal on her face. "What's he doing here?" she asked.
    "I'm sorry.. He helped me, and -"
    "We don't need help." said Neeka, cutting her off.
    Phoebe and Lanced exchanged glances. "You will when you're in there.." Lance said.
    "Of course! Lead the way then, Lance." mocked Neeka.

    With that, the trio set off into Pesalah Prison.
  2. Ooooooooh it's getting interesting
  3. I knew lance wasn't just a regular boy!!!
  4. I love ur story:00 very suspenseful.-.
  5. I'm just an Irish lad who owns a bakery, that's no excuse xD
  6. Wow just read the story its well good like.
    Just got some questions to ask
    1. how old r the girls
    2. Is the name Kai pronouns - k.i
  7. Thank you :)

    And em, 1) I'll leave that up to you.
    2) It's really hard to spell how it's pronounced, but I guess you got ;D
  8. I'm away ATM. Will update when I'm back. :)
  9. - Okaiee Ready For More When Back .