Character Sign-ups

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Da_Wolf63 (01), Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Goin to bed tho will check in da morning
  2. :) hey follow me back if not already done so
  3. Name : Ale
    Personality: fun to be around, likes to party and drink, loved the attention from boys, and likes to have a lot of boys at one time, hated by lots of girls because of her beautifulness
    Appereance: long brown hair, brown eyes, skinny, 5"3 , big hips, big lips, tan skin,
    Role: whatever it is that u need ;)
  4. Bump I still need more
  5. Plz tell ur friends to sign up still need boy main character and Main agonist
  6. Or maybe not main agonist
  7. I will be main agonist

    Name:Michelle Rose
    Age: what ever age fits best
    Hair: thick, long, dark brown, and curly
    Height: 5'6
    Eyes: hazel green/brown
    Skin tone: white with slight tan
    Personality: sarcastic, selfish, can be nice, doesn't care about others, and loves to tear people down
  8. Ok thnx now I need a boy
  9. Still need a main boy character
  10. Check out my newest story guys and girls.
  11. can be in it ill be watever u want
  12. Yea sure read the requirements for sign-ups on pg. 2 or 3
  13. huh just let me im luke u can make up everything else but i really want to be a main charecter 
  14. thank u "hugs sean" (no homo)
  15. no hugging 
  16. ok "throws pockitknife at sean"