Hello Forums :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JoyBoy, Oct 15, 2018.

  1. Hey guys, I'm a frequent forums lurker and I just wanted to introduce myself, some of you may know me, most of you will not ? anywho, one interesting fact about myself is I was born in Hawaii, I've been playing this game for about 3-4 years now, and before you say anything about stats there's a reason why they're so low, and before you say something about the badge, it's because this is a newer account. I've taken many breaks from the game with a month in between, because let's face it, once this game sucks you in, you're stuck. So if you can actually quit and get away, good on ya, now, as I was saying, I have multiple forgotten about accounts and I can never remember the log in information so I just create new ones which is why I look so small, anyways, love all ya'll, and I hope to get to know more of you as time continues 
  2. Why don’t ya just write down the login info?
  3. I dunno, just never thought of doing that I suppose
  4. I think forum lurkers are creepy
  6. Hi, nice to meet you! That's a long time to be playing. I've only been around for half a year or slightly less. I hope you can build up one of your accounts to a good size. Welcome to forums! (I lurk primarily as well)
  7. Thanks, and it's getting there, I'm already almost 1mcs and I'm only a few months in, I'll get back to one of my old accounts stats, it was right around 4MCS when I took my break and couldn't remember the info
  8. Ouch, mhuh feelings.
  9. I don't consider you a lurker. I'm talkin bout the ppl who religiously come here to see what we're up to but never say anything.
  10. I gotcha. I am just being a troll. Haha
  11. I just never know what to say or how to begin in a conversation, plus I like to read xD
  12. ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
  13. same
  14. Im so confused about this xD
  15. her ign is forgotten
  16. [/quote]her ign is forgotten[/quote]

    Yes I've realized this, but whyd she put same
  17. Because she is forgotten
  18. Hi, I'm Eli. Ntmy. :)
  19. I go by many names so whatever you find suitable for me