??I will be deleting all this in a week because I don't want this to be seen if someone looks up my name in forum. I am no ashamed, I just want this drama to be done with! Ok so as some of you might know, I have done several stuff recently. Nothing good at all. And here are some stuff I did : -scam people -faked my death -catfished AND BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I am truly sorry for what I've done. There's no excuses for me and what I've done should be unforgive-able but I'm really glad the people I've dragged into this mess is willing to hear me out. I'm making this to apologise and to say sorry and to clarify that they never "did" anything to me. I was just lost, and frustrated and being immature, I took it out on some of the people that were my close friends even thought we had met only for a few days. I wanna name them so you guys know it was never really their fault. It was mine completely(sorry idk their full igns): -john -kitteh -hailey -fatty -aj -steph -stephy -justin -courtney -fai -AND SO MANY MORE So here's what happened: Firstly, I have depersonalization disorder which caused me to fake my identity and possibly as Jennie, an Instagramer who has nothing to do with all this. Depersonalization disorder means that I don't really believe that I am who I am? It's like I'm watching myself from a third person point of view. Anyway, that is why I catfished Secondly, I have dissociative Identity disorder, this basically means that I have split personalities that can take over the physical body at any moment. If you'd like to know more about it do look for me but I'm only going to mention the important few alters(personalities). there's Eddie, he took over me to scam someone's misc. That's how all this started, then people knew that it was "me" but obviously the host which was Lyra didn't know about all this. So when she found out not only did everyone know she catfished but also scammed(even though she thought she didn't) she felt so lost that she decided that enough was enough. Now, she took pimd as her life because she didn't make friends irl, everyone called us a freak . So the people she met here, are her closest and only friends. So she decided to attempt suicide. She really did try but it was a failed attempt. We , the system(all the personalities) realised she was a threat to herself so we decided to take over as host. Mainly it's me now , Melissa because I talk most like a 20 year old girl. We took over so that she wouldn't need to deal with all the drama that came after. We were in a mess so we dragged so many peoples name down. And we created a huge mess out of something that could've been avoided in the first place if I just trusted my friends a little more and tell them what happened in the first place. All this said, it isn't suppose to be an excuse for me to do such incorrigible things but I just want to clarify everything. I am truly sorry if I have hurt you in this process. I won't ask for your forgiveness but I would want to let you guys hear me out on what I did. This isn't because I want sfw to stop, it's because I realised enough was enough and I treasure friendship over my ego. I have let a lot of people down and I am once again apologising for that. Sorry for bringing this up in forums but it was the only platform I could think of! Truly sincerely, Sorry.
I think it is well said. I wish you all the best. Some things happened. My PMs are always open to you. I think everyone learned a lot from this. - Fai
I hope you learned your lesson. Let’s all move on and breathe some fresh air. Might take time for me but it will happen, I’ll forget all the things that has been said and done hopefully
I accepted your apology and will forgive you. Let’s all move on with our new life. It takes guts, I give you recognition for it. Hope you learned your lesson. Good luck to you Lyra ? Best regards Hailey
I know we haven’t spoken much, but I say this with all sincerity; please take care of yourself first. I accept your apology, very well-written and transparent. I only wish you didn’t hurt/antagonize those who did no harm to you, the innocent. I hope they can forgive you as well. I also hope that you can acknowledge real true friends who would help you so you won’t be dealing with this alone. We accepted you for who you were and that will never change Lyra. Please no more melodrama or bullying and you’re still beautiful (the real you) ?