halloween avatars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed10748, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. I want a variety of spooky scary nightmare shït and slûtty af shït a sorority girl would wear tbh

    Like lemme be a hoe one day and Michael Myers the next ??‍♀️
  2. yessss omg
  3. this
  4. Suspiria or other 70s/80s horror movie inspired avis please. Or see Samantha at the end of house of the devil. I want a bloody heroine in a white dress with a knife ty ata please grant my wish 
  5. Definitely Elvira themed or Addams family
  6. Solid yes on Addams family. I need Gomez...
  7. This is close to Winona tbh
  8. I want that one or the vip one :cry:
  9. Already have a jack skellington/Sally avi out there
  10. Good luck
  11. There’s a goosebumps movie recently and pimd likes to use current popular things so I fear they’ll use that in some way
  12. I could see that, lemme be jack black
  13. Edward Scissorhands would be cool too
  14. That already exists
  15. she said she wants a new avi that resembles it.
  16. Ata already reuses to many ?‍♀️
  17. Well they've got Alice down. Now how about some Halloween av bags with more Tim Burton characters like Sweeny Todd, Beetlejuice, corpse bride and Edward Scissorhands?.

    I ignored all other av bags, waiting all year in hopes of Halloween av bags, please please give em up!
  18. I don't think there will be any :/ in past they were always available on the first day.
  19. Time to emo quit