This or that?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Whorchata, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. So, I’m an incredibly indecisive person. It’s a problem, I’ve acknowledged it, and we should move on. 

    I’m in the middle of buying a new hair dryer and was wondering if y’all had a certain brand you trust? Or do you know which brands to stay away from?

    There’s a sale coming up here for a hair dryer from Bed Head I believe and it’d be like $20. On the other hand there’s a $15 one from Revlon? I can’t decide so I figured why not let y’all help me. ??
  2. Revlon blow dryers break easily and get over heated, never tried bed head.
  3. Try bed head. Not revlon. Ever lol
  4. Not a fan of Bed Head hair stuff .. never tried the blow dryer before.. I'd YT both name brandsta h see what the beauty gurus say
  5. I'm a firm believer in "you get what you pay for"
  6. My mom is a hairdresser and her personal hairdryer is Revlon.
  7. I don't rlly use hairdryers.

    They're a yuge waste of energy if you think about it.
  8. My skin is sensitive and the hairdryer, even on the lowest heat, always hurts. I just let my hair air dry au natural.
  9. Deva Curl blow dryer is where it’s at. It’s hella expensive but Revlon.
  10. Some people don't have the luxury of naturally nice, smooth hair :p Blowdryers aren't for drying, they're for styling.
  11. I’ve always bought hairdryers, straighteners, etc. that were always on the more pricer side (~100cad). It’s always better to go all out with stuff like that, I think my current one was 140 and I’ve had it for over a decade probably
  12. Same! I'm lucky my hair air dries nicely, but my flat iron was maybe $80, also cad, hai and I've had it close to 15 years. Bulky as hell but works just fine
  13. My $10 hairdryer has lasted me for at least 3 years now, but ok
  14. I recommend Bed Head, their products have yet to fail me
  15. I would just buy whatever tbh. At the moment I have an Avanti and it works great
  16. Fr tho mine was like 20. I got it cuz it was the cheapest one and i've had it for 6 years
  17. I guess how often you use it could factor into it. If you're someone that uses it like every day at high heat, it may be more prone to... uh, dying sooner? Idk how else to put it.
  18. Your hair will also be a frizzy, hay-like mess by that time so you may not even need a hair dryer after that
  19. You're a firm believer in the ethics of all service providers?

    Cause I know plenty of people who would charge a lot for a sub-par service.
  20. I am a service provider, so i know what to look for. That being said if I'm not happy I'm gonna tell them.

    I have seen some below sub-par work but usually at pretty low prices, that's not always the case though. People can easily put their trust into a service provider because they are supposed to be the expert. Sometimes one has to put a little research into things before jumping into it.