Want some free furniture? Tell me the stupidest thing you've ever done. If you've got a picture post it Choosing three people
My second day of work, after rinsing the coffee machines, I left the lever to make the coffee come out down, then I made a gallon of coffee that went all over the floor. It was hazelnut and it smelled great, but it was a b to clean up
I got bored so I spaced out and staring talking to myself really loudly at night so my mom came in my room to tell me to shut the f?ck up and when she saw me talking to myself and asked me if I was okay so yeah...I snapped out of it and convinced her I didn't go insane I guess this counts as stupid??
Church bathroom had no feminine product waste bin, so I figured it was nbd if I flushed it. Was wrong. Toilet overflowed. I ran outta the bathroom.
When i was young me and my friends was drunk and thought it would be funny to set our arms and fire with cologne and put it out two of my friend's did it so i was like me next, i was the only one with hairy arms it did not go out like theirs did it got the hair and i had to go to the hospital with 3rd and 4th degree burns and explain what happened ??
Today I tried to boil eggs in the microwave for 12 min (bc Google said I could, ok?) ?, it blew up and the container it was in broke. I cleaned it all up and hid evidence of the broken container. ? **Btw I don't need no free furni, I just wanted to vent.
I was heating up Chinese food in their cool containers and didn’t realize that the handle part was metal so I caught it on fire thankfully the sink was next to it so I could put it out with water. Although now thinking about it that is a hazard too. Fml
So one time walking out of the gym, I took my sweater out of my gymbag& as I started putting it on, some guy behind me interrupts me saying,"excuse me miss, umm you dropped something" pointing at the floor.. I then look towards where he's pointing &see one of my panties laying there, for everyone to see..I swear I probably got so red the guy probably felt bad for noticing lol anyway It was so fkn embarrassing but shxt happens I guess lol. Btw it was clean!I had recently done laundry&just happened to put my sweater without checking it inside my gym bag..but lesson learned! Always inspect sweaters for any hidden gems.?
(Two years ago) I was on crutches because I tore something in my knee but got drunk and decided to go skinny dipping in the ocean. Putting all my weight on my other knee to get to the water I dislocate my other knee cap .-. I'm lying drunk (and naked) on the beach with 8 people I don't know. Random guy pops it back for me and I still had to walk home. Fml.
When i was small, and need to go to school, that was 2 grade, i was trying to fill out a notebook (titul list), so i wrote smth wrong. I was so scared of my mum, so i just trow away through the window this notebook. Then i was running with my mum and trying to find this f notebook Sorry for bad language, don't know english well
I was so sleepy from working night shift... Instead of paying the driver with cash I gave him my card ?.. Not atm or cc but my I'd