NvS War: BoS8 but saltier (Signup Thread)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kefo, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. 25mcs, Ghost's side
  2. There’s wifi on most of the international flights I’ve taken and my cell still works overseas... It just put me in asian campus for the game last time. ?‍♂️ (See my thread titled “Asian Expectations”). I’m retiring from PIMD tomorrow, but hopefully this information helps you in some way.
  3. No Chill 29.3 Mcs. Ty all
  4. Team No Chill duh ?️
  5. Oh. 15mcs. 
  6. Either team. 29mcs
  7. Hells yeah Buckeye
  8. No chill 23 mcs
  9. Either team, still upgrading. As of now is 11mcs
  10. 37.9mcs, no chill.
  11. No chill 16mcs
  12. I'm under stats but interested.No Chill
  13. 21.7mcs. No Chill
  14. bump for all my people in the front row
  15. No chill 12 mcs
  16. So Chill 25.7mcs
  17. 28.6mcs, so chill ?
  18. 26mcs, so chill