^ The heart > I still have stuffed animals o.o < I hate one-ply toilet paper. Useless v Do you try to eat GMO-free foods?
^Typically yes but unsuccesful most of the time. >I'm 5'4 <I hate hypocrits v What do you value in friendships?
^ like from snakes? Nah. Fùck australia and their venomous animals > i like carbs. So does everyone, anyone who says they don't is a liar. < i hate ppl who pretend to dislike carbs v what is your favourite carb
^ probably grey > i have a birthmark on my foot, my grandpa always told me it was a map of Hawaii < i hate the news V do you believe in aliens?
^ 100% yes > met a girl recently and we talked about moving out of state together on a whim and I would totally do it ??♀️ < fockin bees n spiders yano V worst gift you’ve ever received?
^ a box of turkish delights that I regifted to someone who regifted it to someone who gifted it to me >fluent in English, Italian, and Arabic < I have trypophobia so I hate looking at a bunch of clustered holes v last significant lie you told someone?
^ idk. I tell white lies sometimes but in general I'm a pretty honest person. I think last was i told my prof i was further ahead in the text than i actually am. > I'm scared to get my cat fixed because I don’t want her to die in surgery. < I hate ppl who lie a lot about who they are v what is a vice you have
^ if u can count watching too much tv,then thats it. > I love medical drama/series < Hate traffic v what's your favorite season?
^Lights off >in love with honey yoghurt < hate roaches and lizards v one thing you want to see in the future world
^ in the form of an alive, happy, healthy cow. > i'm ill rn, somebody shoot me < i hate hangovers v what is your hangover cure
^ I don’t really get them but my coworker has an emergency hangover kit at work which includes aspirin, water, and essential oils > I’m taking an extra half hour lunch rn because fock this place < I hate dumb fortunes from fortune cookies V egg nog: yay or nay?
^ No I don't like egg nog > I love the hope of this world living together in peace ️ < I hate reading about people suffering v what is your best characteristic?
^ um. Idk dinos but the little tiny girl from land before time. I think her name was Ducky > i like autumn < i hate haruki murakami books and donut understand why they're popular v who is a famous person u like