Arrow Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrincessKetchup, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Hi! I hope this game is not yet here in forum. Buuut this is how it will work. Hope we'll have fun!

    We have 4 arrows:
    ^ (Up): Answer the question from the person above.
    > (Right): Say something about yourself.
    < (Left): Something you hate.
    v (Down): Question for the next person who will reply.

    I'll start:
    Question: How old are you?

    ^ I'm 26
    > I love binge watching on Netflix
    < I hate being left behind ?
    v Question: What is your best asset?
  2. ^ I'm good at learning languages
    > I'm 160cm
    < I hate fruit
    v what was/is something you like studying?
  3. ^ I used to like studying plastic arts in middle school
    > I have 4 names
    < I hate when people talk too much
    v What's your favorite food?

  4. ^ I like sushi!!!
    > I am so damn lazy
    < I hate medicine
    v what is your worst fear?
  5. ^ dots!!!
    > To travel is my dream
    < I hate veggies
    v what's your poison in a patry?
  6. ^ The snacks!
    > I'm more of a night person.
    < I hate green beans.
    v What did you have for breakfast?
  7. ^ I had so much mfing broccoli for breakfast
    > I currently have 9 pets
    < I really don’t like pickles
    v Do you want to travel somewhere? (like a foreign place or something :) )
  8. ^ Yes
    > Manamajaf
    < Hatred
    v What is?
  9. ^ it.
    > I'm a kpop fan
    < Hate too much sun
    v what is your shampoo brand?
  10. ^tressemé
    >have asthma
    <hate heights
    vwhat is your spirit animal
  11. ^ my spiritual animal is a lion
    > i love netlflix
    < i hate the stress of life
    V what conspiracy theory do you actually believe in and why
  12. ^The Titanic never sank. The blueprints don't match the pictures (#of windows etc)
    >Love America
    <Hate Canada
    V how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
  13. ^ Idc I just bite into it
    > Took 6 years of Irish riverdancing as a child
    < Hate when someone walking in front of you walks really slow
    v Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
  14. ^ Door closed
    > I take Chinese cultural dancing classes
    < I dislike ginger
    v Chocolate or Vanilla? ?
  15. ^ Vanilla All The way
    > I got my welding ticket in grade 10
    < Mushrooms
    V Who’s your favourite artist in the music industry?
  16. ^ Blackbear
    > I’m a Law Student
    < I hate when people don’t have manners
    v what’s your fave TV Show?
  17. At the moment,Shameless
    >I'm a nurse and i'm working rn
    <I hate fire,scares me
    vWhat is your favorite song?
  18. ^ grease by jonghyun
    > the carbonation in pop hurts my tongue so i never drink it.
    < i hate doing dishes
    v what's smthing superstitious you believe
  19. ^ Black cats are gay
    > I have 5 bananas in my froot bol
    < I hate b2b cat cafe clubs
    v What does the 20th of August mean to you?
  20. ^ it means I'm sick with a hangover because it's two days after my brother's anniversary.
    > i think newborn hoomans are ugly
    < i hate everyone who is mean to animals
    v what causes the gay