Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIIIlIIIlIIIlLINKIIIlIIIlIlIII, Sep 20, 2018.

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  1. I hope i'd get to meet some kind person too anyways just gonna support?️
  2. I would like to nominate @HoMartha_ for the 2018-19 __SWEETS__KINDNESS CONTEST Because , she is just an amazing person. She’s there when I need her , I needed a friend when I first met her and she showed me genuine care from day one without even knowing me . I’m truly grateful for her . We help each other in game and she always gifts me her extra items and it just shows me that not everyone in this game is greedy . She’s great pup . Love you Martha 
  3. I'd like to nominate @Tracez. She's just the sweetest, kindest person ever. It's really hard to find someone who cares so much for her club members and goes out of her way to do things for other people, regardless if it means losing sleep or dedicating an immense amount of time towards doing that particular thing. It hasn't been long since I met her but safe to say, I definitely adore her as a person and I've learnt so much from her. Honestly, I can't stress enough about how much she inspires me. Since meeting her, my perspective and outlook on things have certainly changed immensely and I look forward to learning new things every day under her wing.
  4. I am here to support this thread
  5. I'm here to support this thread too :)
  6. Very much appreciated thank you ? 
  7. Thank you so much!
  8. Thank you!!
  9. I would like to nominate @HoAdri_
    Because in my time of need she has always been there. When I was down and thinking about bad thoughts she helped me through it. She is always on to help others. I don’t think she has a mean bone in her body. If anyone in the game needs monies (volley) or extra furni she’s always handing it out. She is the best!
  10. I would like to nominate my tutor @Shyam. For the longest time I've known him. He goes out of his way for me and others to help us achieve our goals.

    Many hunts he has helped me collect boxes without me asking, even before he was my tutor. I've asked him before, why does he gives me boxes? He said I just looked like I needed some. 

    Whenever I feel lost, he's someone I go to talk with about life. Always encouraging me like the time I was too afraid to go to the dentist. It's been 10years since I've been to one and he's talked me to going.

    I am so grateful to have him as my friend and Tutor.
  11. I would like to nominate @ZeaSea for the _SWEETS_ kindness competition. I can have a list of reasons but one stands out the most. She’s the friend nearest and dearest to my heart: when I was pregnant last year she never ever left my side even though all my real life friends did. The only girl I could count on and the only person who helped calm me through my labour and got just a vexed as me when the doctors sent me home without a care. This girl deserves more than I can give as a nomination but she truly is an absolute gem and I’d be lost without her.

    Love you Z ️
  12. I nominate @HoMartha_ for the kindness contest. She has gone over and above as my pup. She is always helping me and her other tuts. She always gifts not one but all of us, and she helped me get my stats correct since my old pup taught me wrong. She goes out of her way to help if we have a problem and never gives up on us 
  13. Thanks for recognizing me on this thread. ?
  14. Thank you both for taking the time to recognize me. Lala that is really humbling and I care about you very much.
  15.  i nominate batty without any backup words
  16. @IIS-BllIannalovetapsurnf (my rs) When my dad was diagnosed with cancer she was the only one who stood by me. You may be asking what does this have to do with being sweet? Well she literally became my rock she listened to me cry everyday about how life sucked and not once complained. Our timezones are opposites so she should have been sleeping . She has always been their for me and shes always so nice to everyone even the idiots who dont deserve it. Im prolly more open to being nicer now bc of it but dont keep your hopes up ?
  17. Support AF
  18. SUPPORT
  19. support!!!! ??
  20. I want to nominate Sherilyn, she helps people with the game, also helped me understand lots of things, she is a really kind person!
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