Advise for the guys!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MountainGod, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. If a girl doesn’t sleep with you after the first week. Just move on to the next, life is to short for some bull crap.

    This thread will be dedicated to help guys understand women. Stay tuned!!!!!
  2. With advice like this you’d be lucky they even sleep in the same state as you
  3. Personally I prefer women who make a man wait so you know it aint easy
  4. but like, no woman(anyone, really) would sleep with you you in the first place?
  5. So you down to wait tell marriage?
  6. I can tell a guy posted this. As a woman who understands other women please don’t do this. This is bad advice. Life is the longest damn thing you do, and it takes more than a week to get to know someone. If you’re only looking for sex, tell them. They will either say yes or no, if they say no then yes please move on. But don’t be a jackhole about it. Women don’t owe you sex after the first week, if you think that please never talk to a woman again.
  7. gold star answer
  9. If a guy has a small díck move on ladies ?‍♀️ life is short ain’t need no short dićk too
  10. If a girl doesnt sleep with you for the whole first week, that's the girl worth keeping
  11. This is the dumbest thread ive ever seen :lol:
  12. My man cant get laid and suddenly he becomes a guru on ladies :lol:
  13. Well I guess I'm looking forward to the rest of the series
  14. If she sleeps with you in the first week she's one a few things (in my personal opinion):

    1. She a hoe
    2. She's desperate as hell
    3. She's intoxicated to the point where she cannot make sound decisions
    4. She's a pr.ostitute

    (These are my personal opinions, you don't have to agree but whatever, if you're sleeping with a girl whom you've only known for a week she probably has a body count of 175+ and you were another one to add into that list)
    • Advise is a verb. The noun is advice.
      And yours is terrible.
      • x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x

  15. Those are the hoes acting like good girls, lol.
  16. That's not true at all, but sometimes lust takes place before love. She could just trust the guy or be wanting to feel good in a sexual way. It's a primal instinct... and the pleasure before release is amazing so many people chase that or lust for it. She could have a body count of less that 5 or for 3 or only have 1 body. We shouldn't judge people without actually getting to know them
  17. As men, we should get to know our women, but you don't have to be upfront about anything when many women aren't upfront about anything as well. Personally, I don't want it within the first day, the next or even one week. I'd rather get to know a person. If I'm going to sleep with someone I want to actually be able to like them for who they are and be able to trust them. I also wouldn't want to make a hoe, someone with a STD or just someone who'll cause any drama or negativity.

    I'm not siding with OP, I'm not siding with the women WHO made dumb.ass comments over their frustrations with OP's posts. This is coming from a male who has a mom he cares about. I also have mostly female friends so I know things like this hurt them. They feel inadequate and insecure.
  18. Like this is a dumb way to respond to an idiot like OP, when most of the guys y'all thirst over have small ones